Deloitte Interview Experience for Technology Analyst (On-Campus) 2022

The first few minutes of the interview were a general conversation, where we were getting acquainted with each other.

  • Introduce yourself.
  • Why do you want to shift to the IT sector, coming from a core background?

Then, looking through my resume, he first asked me basic-intermediate questions in the Electrical and Electronics field (since I was from the EEE branch).

  • What was your role(s) while working with this club? (I had worked as a core electrical member in a particular club of my college.)
  • Suppose you’re to provide electricity from a source (i.e., a power substation) to the destination (i.e., a laptop). What are the intermediate steps involved?
  • What is the difference between AC and DC?
  • How to convert AC to DC?
  • Differentiate between microprocessors and microcontrollers?
  • How’ll you deploy a microcontroller into this project: You’re to make sure that the water level in a tank doesn’t cross (overflow) a specified level, and it also shouldn’t stay below the level.

That was all about the Electrical field, but obviously, this was just a test of your credibility. I couldn’t answer a few of the questions since I was pursuing the IT sector, and made the interviewer very sure of this. He seemed ok with it.

Then, he asked me technical questions, from my resume.

  • Describe the certification course that you completed. What did you learn?
  • Describe any one of your projects in detail.
  • What makes your project unique, as compared to the remaining applications available over the internet?

At this point, we had communicated for quite a significant amount of time, and the interviewer knew it was time to end the interview process. In conclusion, he asked me:

  • Do you have any questions?
    • I asked about the training work I’d be assigned if I were hired.
    • What were the future prospects of the role of a technology analyst?

That was all. The interview lasted for about 30 minutes.


  • Make absolutely sure you have thoroughly gone through your resume.
  • Do not lie on your resume.
  • Have fundamental knowledge of the core domain you’re studying (if you’re not from a technical background).
  • And as I’ve heard from others, have a basic grasp of DBMS and MySQL queries.
  • Lastly, DO NOT BLUFF. Denial is always better than bluffing. The interviewer will definitely catch you if you’re lying.

The interview results were published just 2 hours after the procedure ended. Among 51 students from Technology Analyst (Risk and Financial Advisory) who had appeared for the interview, only 10 were selected.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t one of the 10.

All the very best!