Deloitte USI Interview Experience | On-Campus (Virtual)

Hello everyone! I’m going to shed some light on how the selection process of Delloite USI was carried out in PES University/PESIT. 

Three roles were offered namely :

  • Technology Analyst- Risk & Financial Advisory, Deloitte USI
  • Analyst – Consulting, Deloitte USI
  • Analyst – CoRe innovation and Automation – USI EA & Global

The criteria for all the roles above were: 

  • Above 6.5 CGPA
  • No active backlogs
  • Open to CS, IT, and all electronics and electrical branches

This article will be specific to the Analyst – Consulting, Deloitte USI role as I and all my friends had applied for the same. 

Round 1: The first test was carried out on the AMCAT platform. It consisted of the Quantitative, Verbal, and Logical Reasoning sections. Once you answered a question, you could not go back. (Personally, I found this better). To be able to solve these in the given time (120 minutes totally) is the biggest challenge. 

Approximately 1400 people across the two campuses had attempted it and 125 got shortlisted. 

Round 2: Also known as the JAM round – Just a minute. Students were distributed across the panels. Each candidate had to pick a number from 1-40 and the Interviewer would assign a topic. You could change to another topic if required ONLY ONCE. Each student was given 2 minutes. They had to manage their own time and speak for at least a minute. One could either think for half a minute and speak for the rest of the time or think for a minute and speak for a minute. Crossing this time limit is a strict no-no. Some panels would signal you if you were reaching the end of the given time limit.  

I got the topic Internet of Things in day-to-day life. 

Many other topics given to my friends were: 

  • Voice Calls VS Video Calls
  • 3D printing
  • Introduction of chatbots in different areas
  • Cybersecurity in curriculum
  • Usage of technology to battle climate change
  • Classroom Learning VS E-Learning
  • Television VS OTT platforms
  • Technology in sports

Do not stammer or repeat the points. Practicing for this with your friends the day before or so would be really helpful. 

About 60-65 people were shortlisted.  

Round 3: These were for 30 minutes. 

    1. Here comes my interview experience.

  • The interviewer first introduced himself. I then spoke about myself.
  • Since I write articles about Tableau and Data Visualizations, he asked to see them. So I shared my screen and took him through my work. This took up quite some time. He then went on to ask me what the different data types in Tableau were.
  • I then explained 2-3 projects of mine to him.
  • He asked me what I expected to learn from the company, and what I brought to the table.
  • I then asked him 2 questions.

     2. For a friend, he was asked about 

  • Himself
  • His internships
  • His projects – Favorite project and why?
  • A few technical questions:
    • What is cryptography
    • What is a neural network (As he had projects in these domains)
    • What is an algorithm
    • What is the most efficient sorting algorithm
    • What is a data structure
    • Name a few data structures
    • What data structures had he worked with and where
    • Name a few graph traversal algorithms

    3.  For another friend :

  • His projects in depth (a long discussion about 2 of his projects)
  • What are the parameters to consider when you’re publishing a software?
  • A little about his hobbies.

All in all, the kind of interviews really varied from panel to panel. Finally, 35 students were selected for this role. 

All the best!