Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing

Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing or DWDM is the method which allows multiple wavelengths to be brought to a single-mode fiber, consequently growing the potential of that particular transmission route by using a factor which is equal to the total number of wavelengths that one has added during transmission. It is very challenging as the Telecommunication carriers have to fulfill all the requirements with the given constraints which need an increase in network capacity. The system presently exists that assists a hundred and sixty wavelengths per fiber.

Components of DWDM :

  1. DWDM multiplexer/demultiplexer –
    The working of multiplexer and demultiplexer is to combine multiple optical indicators or signals into a single optical fiber and separates optical signals respectively. It helps to detach the optical wavelengths into a single wavelength per fiber.

  2. Optical add/drop multiplexer (OADM) –
    It works in a similar way as SADM, besides that its main focus is on the optical domain. With the help of OADM, the wavelengths can be cut up or bring to a DWDM fiber.

  3. OXC –
    It helps in establishing a cross-connect between ‘N’ number of input ports and ‘M’ number of output ports. It offers environment-friendly network administration of wavelengths at the optical layer. It can perform functions such as monitoring the signals and indicators, helps in restoration and provisioning, etc.

  4. Optical amplifier –
    Amplifies the optical indicators so that the signaling strength can travel over long distances.

  5. Re-generator –
    Its work is to provide the performance of an optical amplifier which have some capabilities including re-sharing and re-timing.

  6. Optical amplifier –
    It helps to amplify the optical indicators for increasing the strength of the signal so that a signal can travel over long distances and can cover a large area.

DWDM benefits :

  • It provides the capacity to recover quickly if there are any difficulties.
  • It has good scalability.
  • It provides New services.
  • It can be available in a maximum potential system.
  • It can help when there is a need to conserve bandwidth like switched bandwidth.
  • Its fiber capacity is very good
  • It can help to Permits more than one logical topological over a single MAN.
  • Network can be expanded easily.

DWDM disadvantages :

  • It is having a high cost which is not effective for low channel numbers.
  • It requires complex technology to be developed a system.
  • It needs more space and more power.
  • Its laser and wave filter provides accuracy to a great extent. The distance challenge can be overcome by means of transporting information between one or more business enterprise areas and one or more SANs over the optical layer.

Applications :

  • The distance challenge can be overcome by means of transporting information between more than one business enterprise area and one or more SANs over the optical layer.
  • It has the functionality to increase potential and can serve as backup bandwidth besides a need to set up new fibers, for that reason it is ready-made for long-distance telecommunication services.
  • It can also be used in a number of networks like Remote Radar Networks, Sensor network to manage the network.
  • It can additionally minimize fiber necessities in SANs.