Deploy Python Flask App on Heroku

Flask is a web application framework written in Python. Flask is based on the Werkzeug WSGI toolkit and Jinja2 template engine. Both are Pocco projects. This article revolves around how to deploy a flask app on Heroku. To demonstrate this, we are first going to create a sample application for a better understanding of the process. 


  • Python
  • pip
  • Heroku CLI
  • Git


Deploying Flask App on Heroku

Let’s create a simple flask application first and then it can be deployed to heroku. Create a folder named “eflask” and open the command line and cd inside the “eflask” directory. Follow the following steps to create the sample application for this tutorial.
STEP 1 : Create a virtual environment with pipenv and install Flask and Gunicorn .

$ pipenv install flask gunicorn 

STEP 2 : Create a “Procfile” and write the following code. 

$ touch Procfile 


STEP 3 : Create “runtime.txt” and write the following code.

$ touch runtime.txt 


STEP 4 : Create a folder named “app” and enter the folder. 

$ mkdir app
$ cd app

STEP 5 : Create a python file, “” and enter the sample code.




from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def home_view():
        return "<h1>Welcome to Beginner for Beginner</h1>"

STEP 6 :Get back to the previous directory “eflask”.Create a file“” and insert the following code.

$ cd ../
$ touch



from app.main import app
if __name__ == "__main__":

STEP 7 : Run the virtual environment.

$ pipenv shell 

STEP 8 : Initialize an empty repo, add the files in the repo and commit all the changes.

$ git init 
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Initial Commit"

STEP 9 : Login to heroku CLI using 

heroku login

Now, Create a unique name for your Web app.

$ heroku create eflask-app


STEP 10 : Push your code from local to the heroku remote. 

$ git push heroku master


Finally, web app will be deployed on