Derivative of 2 to the x

Derivative of 2x is 2xln2. The Derivative of 2x refers to the process of finding change in 2x function to the independent variable. The method of finding the derivative for 2x functions is referred to as exponential differentiation.

Let’s know more about Derivative of 2x , its formula and proof in detail below.

What is Derivative in Math?

The derivative of a function is the rate of change of the function with respect to any independent variable. The derivative of a function f(x) is denoted as f'(x) or (d /dx) [f(x)]. The differentiation of an exponential function is called a derivative of the exponential function or exponential derivatives.

What is Derivative of 2x?

The derivative of the 2x is (2x )·(ln 2). The derivative of 2x is the rate of change with respect to x.

Derivative of 2x Formula

The formula for the derivative of 2x is given by:

d/dx [2x] = (2x)·(ln 2)


(2x)’ = (2x)·(ln 2)

Proof of Derivative of 2x

The derivative of 2x can be proved using the following methods:

  • By using the First Principle of Derivative
  • By using Logarithms

Derivative of 2x by First Principle of Derivative

To prove derivative of 2x using First Principle of Derivative, we will use basic limits and exponential formulas which are listed below:

  • f'(x) = limh→0[f(x + h) – f(x)] / h
  • limh→0(ah-1)/h=ln a
  • am x an=am+n

Let’s start the proof for the derivative of 2x ,assume that f(x) = 2x.

By first principle, the derivative of a function f(x) is,

f'(x) = limh→0[f(x + h) – f(x)] / h {Using 1}

Since f(x) = 2x, we have f(x + h) = 2(x + h).

Substituting these values in (1),

f’ (x) = limh→0 [2(x + h) – 2x]/h

⇒ limh→0[2x · 2h – 2x]/h {Using 3}

⇒l imh→0[2x · (2h – 1)]/h

⇒ 2xlimh→0[(2h – 1)]/h {Using 2}

⇒ 2x · ln 2

Therefore, f'(x) = d/dx [2x] = 2x·ln2

Derivative of 2x by Logarithmic Differentiation

To prove derivative of 2x using Logarithmic Differentiation, we will use basic formulas which are listed below:

  • ln ab = b ln a
  • eln a = a
  • dy/dx[ex]=ex

Let’s start the proof for the derivative of 2x ,assume that y = 2x.

Taking natural log on both sides,

ln y = ln 2x

⇒ ln y = x ln 2 {Using 1}

Exponentiate on both sides

⇒ e(ln y) = e(x ln 2)

⇒ y = e(x ln 2) {Using 2}

Take the derivative

⇒ y’ = (ln 2) ·(ex ln2) {Using 3}

⇒ y’ = (ln 2 ) · 2x

Therefore, f'(x) = d/dx [2x] = 2x·ln2

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Solved Examples on Derivative of 2x

Example 1: Find the derivative of 2x ·tan x.


Let f(x) = 2x· tan x = u·v

By product rule,

f'(x) = u·v’ + v·u’

⇒ (2x) d/dx (tan x) + (tan x) d/dx (2x)

⇒ (2x)(sec2x) + (tan x) (2x·ln 2)

Therefore f'(x) = (2x)(sec2x) + (tan x) (2x·ln 2)

Example 2: Find the derivative of (2x)2.


Let f(x) = (2x)2 = 22x

By chain rule,

f'(x) = 22x ln 2 d/dx[2x]

⇒ 2·22x·ln 2

⇒ 22x+1·ln 2

Therefore f'(x)= 22x+1·ln 2

Example 3: Find the derivative of 5x + 5x2


Let f(x)=5x+5x2

f'(x)=5x·ln 5 + 5·2·x

⇒ 5x·ln 5 + 10·x

Therefore f'(x)= 5x·ln 5 + 10·x

Practice Questions Related to Derivative of 2x

Q1. Find the derivative of 7x

Q2. Find the derivative of x2·5x·3x

Q3. Evaluate: (d/dx) [sec x/(2x)]

Q4. Evaluate the derivative of: 5x·5x·9x

Q5. Find: (tan x)([Tex]7^{x^{2}}[/Tex])

Derivative of 2x FAQs

What is Derivative?

A derivative represents the rate at which a function is changing at a particular point. It gives us information about how the function is behaving, whether it’s increasing, decreasing, or staying constant.

Write the Formula for Derivative of 2x.

The formula for derivative of 2x is:

(d/dx) 2x= 2x· ln 2

What is the Derivative of 2(-x)?

Derivative of 2(-x) is 2(-x)·ln(-x)·(-1)

What are the Different Methods to Prove Derivative of 2x?

The different methods to prove derivative of 2x are:

  • By using First Principle of Derivative
  • By using Logarithms

What is the Derivative of Negative 2x?

Derivative of negative 2x i.e., -2x is (-2x· ln 2).

What is Derivative of ax?

Derivative of ax is ax·lna.

What is the Derivative of 2·2x?

Derivative of 2·2x or 2x+1 is 2x+1·ln 2