Destructor for Dynamic Array in C++

Dynamic memory allocation in C++ allows us to allocate memory during program execution using the pointers. This memory is wholly managed by the programmer from allocation to deallocation. So, when we declare a dynamic member in a class, it is our responsibility to deallocate the memory for that class when the object is destroyed. In this article, we will learn how to implement destructors for dynamic arrays in C++.

Deleting Dynamic Array using Class Destructor in C++

When working with dynamic arrays in C++, it’s essential to create a destructor for classes that deallocates the memory allocated to the dynamic arrays.

In this destructor, we can use the delete [] operator to allocate memory for dynamic arrays.


delete[] dynamic_Array;

The allocated heap memory is not deallocated automatically by the compiler and it must be explicitly deallocated by the user through destructors. The delete[] operator deallocates the entire memory that was allocated for the dynamic array into the heap.

C++ Program to Deleting Dynamic Array using Class Destructor

The following program illustrates how we can implement a destructor for dynamic arrays in C++:

// C++ Program to Implement Destructor for Dynamic Arrays
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// dynamic array class
class DynamicArray {
    // pointer to the heap memory
    int* arr;

    int size;

    DynamicArray(int s)
        size = s;
        // allocating memory
        arr = new int[size];

    // Destructor to deallocate memory for the dynamic array
        cout << "Memory for the Dynamic Array Released"
             << endl;
        delete[] arr;

    // Function to add elements to the array
    void addElement(int index, int value)
        if (index >= 0 && index < size) {
            arr[index] = value;

    // Function to print the elements of the array
    void printArray()
        cout << "Array elements:" << endl;
        for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
            cout << arr[i] << " ";
        cout << endl;

    // some other functions can go here when needed

int main()
    // Create a dynamic array object
    DynamicArray dynArray(10);

    // Add some elements to the dynamic array
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
        dynArray.addElement(i, i * 2);

    // Print the elements of the dynamic array

    // The destructor will be called automatically when the
    // object goes out of scope and the memory will be freed
    return 0;

Array elements:
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 
Memory for the Dynamic Array Released

Time Complexity: O(1) as deallocation does not depend on the size of the memory.
Auxiliary Space: O(1)