Deutsche Bank Interview Experience for Internship (On-Campus)

So it was July 2023, when I heard Deutsche was coming on campus and started preparing for it.

As the standard procedure firstly an Online assessment took place which consisted of 2 questions with 90 minutes of time

The questions were on the following topics:

  • Greedy
  • Bit Manipulation ( It was solvable using hashmap as well )

While I can’t reveal the exact questions at this moment, what I can sure comment on is that both were GFG medium-level questions.

Then after 4 days, I got an interview call, which consisted of 3 rounds

Round 1 – Technical Round
Round 2 – ProFit Round
Round 3 – HR Round

DB had also come for placement opportunities in our college, where our seniors had 4 rounds ( one more technical round )


Here I was asked a simple 1-Dimentional Dynamic Programming Question, followed by few questions on Operating System such as What is Virtual Memory? what is Thread? etc, some standard Java questions like What is abstract class in Java, Java Inhertience, runnable in Java, How do we perform multithreading in java, etc. Then I was asked simple questions on SQL and then my first round was concluded with a puzzle.


I had 15 minutes before one of the TPO Officer ( Training and Placement Office) took me in for round-2

I was scared, after an excellent first round, I didn’t want to messup my round 2, so it started with interviewer asking me about my projects, tech stack used and everything related to it. Then it slowed moved where the interviewer started asking me some situation based questions, for example “It is your first day at your office, you are assigned a task, and the person you have to submit the task to is missing, or he/she has taken a leave, how will you proceed”, after a few questions on my project and some situation based questions, my round-2 ended.


I had a lunch break that felt longer than a Shakespearean play sandwiched between Round 2 and the impending doom of my results, tho it was very hard to focus on eating while continuously thinking about my results, after having some food, I decided to take a nap, when my friend chose to shake and wake me up, letting me know that both of made it to the HR round.

This was a cool round, where I was asked about myself, my life, why I choose computer engineering over 1000s of beautiful options offered by this world of education, It was concluded by us talking about work culture and intern life at DB.

This was my overall interview experience for Deutsche Bank, On Campus, Summer Internship Program 2024