Deutsche Bank Interview Experience for Technical Analyst Internship | On-Campus 2020

Description: Date: 13 -14 August 2020. This is the very first time when I got a chance to appear for an interview in my college career and the first company that came to our college is Deutsche Bank for an Internship in our early 3rd year. This company came to our college for an Internship as well as FTE. So we were around 160 students who appear for this opportunity and all of us appear for the first online round. 

Round 1 (Online Aptitude Round 60 min): It was held on 13th August 2020 at HackerEarth for 60 min from 8 AM to 9 AM. The test consists of 10 MCQ questions from DSA, CN, OS, and DBMS and 2 Coding questions of Medium level. After this round 24 students were shortlisted from 160 on the basis of this round and SGPA.  Next on the final day, early morning there was a pre-placement talk of 1 hour from 8:00 am to 9:00 am. In that, they explained the various functions of the bank, type of banking they do, salary division, further round instruction. I was very excited and attentive because this is a very important part (I feel) because we got an overview of their expectations from the student, and we can use this during Interview rounds.

Round 2 (Technical Interview 45 mins): I was the first candidate for this round, and they asked me questions as follows:  

  1. Tell me about Yourself.
  2. Previous Hackathons and Internships discussed (It was mentioned in my resume).
  3. What was your part in SIH Hackathon?
  4. Detailed Information about Implementation of Idea in SIH 2020.
  5. What are Reactive and Template-driven Forms (In angular because my previous Intern was on MEAN stack)
  6. Difference between Multi-tasking, Multi-processing & Multi-threading.
  7. Difference between Arrays and Linked List.
  8. Explain OOP in Detail. Then types of Inheritance in detail.
  9. Reverse the Linked List.
  10. Find the maximum element in the given array.
  11. Any questions you would like to ask?

After this round around 1 PM, 18 students were selected for the next round.  

Round 3 (Pro-Fit 30 min): This was a kind of Tech HR round, for me, it goes like this –  

  • Previous Intern experience in Details.
  • How hackathons helped you to learn and grow in Technologies.
  • Experience with any Database project.
  • Few SQL queries like String Matching and LIMIT clause.
  • What is your role during any Project and Hackathons?
  • Few things on SDLC (Software development Lifecycle).
  • Any questions you want to ask? I asked him about my working tech stack in DB if I got selected.

This round was easy yet only 11 students able to go to the next round out of 18. So, this shows that they also judge your personality. Around 5:30 pm they release the list of 11 students for the next round. This time the list came out with SGPA and details and among all 11 I was the last in terms of SGPA, even I had maintained 9.12 SGPA.  

Round 4 (HR Round 30 min): This is one of my favorite rounds because I love to interact with people so its quest easy for me. My HR interview held around 7:30 pm. She asked me –  

  • How is your day till now?
  • What are the things you think you could have done better in the last rounds?
  • Why DB?
  • Any future plans for Higher Studies or Start-Up?
  • Any Interest in Finance and how you know about DB? – Morning talk was helpful here.
  • About and, since I am the lead and the secretary of them respectively.
  • About HUII’20 Delegate, since I got selected for that last year.
  • Any Questions you have?

Although I was very tired and exhausted, the smile was constant in front of the camera. So after this round, I was waiting eagerly for results and at 11:00 PM, the list came and finally 11 students got selected for the Internships, and I was one of them, I was very happy and on that, I couldn’t able to sleep because of excitement and joy.