Deutsche Bank Interview Experience(On-Campus) 2023

Deutsche Bank visited our college by the end of month July for Graduate Analyst Role. The Hiring Procedure was quite straight forward consisting of:

  1. Online Coding Round
  2. Technical Interview-1
  3. Technical Interview-2
  4. Pro-fit/Manegerial Round
  5. HR Round

Online Coding Round(27 July’23) :

It consists of 3 Qs, each 1 of Easy, Medium & Hard Category to be solved in 90 minutes. Easy Level Question was simply some manipulation of Array. Medium Level Question was completely based on Maths & took me around 10-15 min. to submit it in a single go & then the Hard Category Question was related to strings which was hardest Question so far & couldn’t be completely solved by even a single person in our college. I did passed 5/12 sample Test Cases in it.

Platform : HackerEarth

For this Part only mine experience was not good as the Test Cases were so poor that the Brute Force Solutions were also getting accepted for the Medium Level Question. Due to being solving all of those Questions after somedays I do had a Interview call on 3 Aug’22.

NOTE : Now all the Rounds below do happened on a Single Day(3 Aug’23 from 11 a.m. onwards)!!

Technical Round-1 :

Round started around 11.00 a.m. for me. This Round was quite long for me around 2 hr & so I delivered mine Best which helped me in 2nd Round a lot. Questions are listed below :

  • Resume Based Project Review Session around 30-40 min.
  • Reverse Linked List(Solved by Recursion as well as pointer approach)
  • Min. no. of platforms(Leetcode Question)
  • Sum of Subarray(Kadane’s Algo for +/- elements)
  • Asked me ACID Properties as well as basic DML,DCL,DDL Commands.
  • Asked me for Query to print alternate rows in a table.
  • NoSQL v/s SQL
  • Normalization
  • Explain Pillars of OOPS & also there subdivisions as well.
  • Apply OOPS in your main project
  • Problems in Inheritance(Diamond Problem)
  • k-greatest Element(Priority Queue)

Technical Round-2 :

2nd Round started around 2.30 p.m. for me & was quite short of around just 15-20 min. with few basic questions as Round-1 as he was impressed by feedback of my Round-1 !!

  • Again, Resume Based Project Review Session.
  • Find the count of Subsequences in the Array with the product less than k(Recursion+DP)
  • Basic DFS,BFS Question of Graph(similar to Island Problem on Leetcode)
  • Software Development Life Cycle for Car Parking Tracker.

They were a lot Impressed by my Competitive Programming Profile & also mine Profile being good helped me to quickly get up with the solution.

Ask them some Good Questions at the end of those Rounds :

  • What expectations you had while joining the DB & are they fulfilled?
  • There work Experience, the no. of projects and tech stack they work on so far.
  • Problems faced by them & how do they overcame them,etc.

Pro-Fit/Manegerial Round :

Now just after the Round-2 I did had this round around 3.00 p.m. in the afternoon. for around 30-35 min. In This Round they check for my communications skills, confidence, etc.

  1. Resume Based Project Review.
  2. Difficulties faced in projects and how you overcame them?
  3. They asked me for my Family Background.
  4. Your Interests and Hobbies & how you keep working on them.
  5. How do you keep yourself Motivated for a long run?
  6. Any Plans for Higher Study & sponsorship required?

HR Round :

Around 6 p.m. in the Evening I had HR Round for around 20-30 min.

  1. Introduce Yourself and also your family Background.
  2. What does DB do?
  3. Why DB?
  4. You are 2 friends from different Companies & approaching a same client, you don’t want to spoil your friendship as well as want to approach the client how will you proceed??
  5. Your Strengths and Weaknesses?
  6. Any Plans for Further studies?

Verdict : Selected, Result came around 8.30 p.m. same Memorable night !!


Author : Durgesh Khandelwal