Difference Between a Set and an Array

Sets and arrays in JavaScript are both data structures, but they have distinct characteristics and use cases.

Here are some key differences between Sets and Arrays:




Uniqueness of Values

A Set in JavaScript can only contain unique values. If you attempt to add a value that is already present in the Set, it won’t result in duplicates.

An array can contain duplicate values. Each element in an array is identified by its index, and there’s no automatic enforcement of uniqueness.

Methods and Properties

Sets have methods like add(), delete(), has(), and clear() for manipulating and checking values. They do not have methods like push(), pop()arrays do.

Arrays have a variety of methods such as push(), pop(), shift(), and unshift() for adding and removing elements, as well as many other array-specific methods.


The order of elements in a Set is based on the order of insertion, but it doesn’t guarantee any specific order when iterating through the elements.

The order of elements in an array is well-defined and maintained. Arrays are indexed, and the order remains constant.