Difference Between Abductor and Adductor Muscles

Abductor and adductor muscles are two types of muscles, that work in opposite directions to move the body parts toward and away from the midline of the body, respectively. Abductor’s muscles are responsible for the movement of body parts away from the midline of the body. Adductor muscles are responsible for the movement of the body parts toward the midline of the body. These muscles are found in various parts of our body, such as the foot, hip, hand, and thigh, which are crucial for lateral movements and athletic performance.


Abductor Muscles

In Latin, the word ‘abductor‘ means ‘to draw away from‘. Abductor’s muscles are the muscles that pull the body parts from inward to outward from the midline of our body. For example, abductor muscles in our legs help us to keep our legs apart from each other. There are several abductor muscles present in the body, such as in the hips, shoulders, and fingers.

Abductor’s muscles are located all over the body. The most well-known abductor muscles are in the hip. These muscles are responsible for moving the legs outwards from the body’s midline. Gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, and tensor fasciae latae are primary abductor muscles in the hip. These muscles are responsible for the lateral rotation and abduction (external movement) of your thigh.

In the shoulders, the abductor’s muscles are used to raise the arms outward from the body’s midline. The deltoid is the primary abductor muscle in the shoulder, a large triangular muscle that covers the shoulder joint. The deltoid muscle is divided into three parts: the anterior, middle, and posterior. The anterior helps to raise the arms to the front of the body, the middle deltoid helps to raise to the side of the body, and the posterior deltoid helps to raise the arms to the back of the body.

In the fingers, the abductor’s muscles are used to spread the fingers apart. The dorsal interossei muscle is the primary muscle in the fingers.

Adductor Muscles

In Latin, the word ‘adductor’ means ‘to draw towards’. Adductor muscles are a group of muscles that pulls your body parts toward the midline of the body. These muscles are spread throughout the body, including the hip, thigh, and foot.

Adductor muscles in the hip are the most well-known. These muscles are responsible for moving the legs inward towards the body’s midline. Adductor longus, adductor brevis, adductor magnus, pectineus, and gracilis are primary adductor muscles in the hip. These muscles are used to keep our legs close together. In our eyes, these muscles are active when we try to look at our noses.

In the foot, the adductor muscles are used to bring the toes together. The adductor hallucis muscle is the primary adductor muscle that helps to bring one toe towards the other toes.

Difference Between Abductor and Adductor Muscles


Abductor Muscles 

Adductor Muscles

Function The function of this muscle is to move body parts away from the midline of the body. The function of this muscle is to move body parts toward the midline of the body.
Location The location of these muscles is on the lateral side of the body The location of these muscles is on the medial side of the body
Size These muscles are generally long and thin These muscles are generally shorter and broader
Activities Commonly used in activities that involve the movement of limbs such as jumping jacks. Commonly used in activities that involve movement of limbs towards the midline such as squats.
Examples  Gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, the tensor fasciae latae, dorsal interossei, and deltoid muscle, etc.  Adductor longus, adductor brevis, adductor magnus, pectineus, gracilis, etc.


In conclusion, abductor’s muscles are responsible for pulling your body part away from the midline of your body, while adductor muscles do the opposite action. Both these muscles are present everywhere in our body. Almost all movements are possible due to these muscles. Both types of muscles can be injured through overuse or trauma, leading to pain and weakness or instability in the affected joint. 

FAQs on Abductor and Adductor Muscles

Q1: Which is stronger, the abductors or the adductors?


The adductor muscles were significantly stronger than the abductor muscles in the group of healthy volunteers.

Q2: What is the importance of the abductor and adductor muscles?


Abductor muscles are responsible for pulling your body part away and adductor muscles are responsible for moving the body part back toward the body’s midline.

Q3: What causes weak abductor muscles?


Inactive body for a long time can lead to body essentially ‘switching off’ these muscles, making them harder to use during exersise, which develop weak gluteal (buttock) muscles which includes the hip abductors.

Q4: Which is the strongest abductor muscle?


Abductor magnus is the largest and most powerful abductor muscle. The complexity is derived from the fact that it is divided into adductor portion and hamstring portion.