Difference between Adhoc Testing and Exploratory Testing

1. Adhoc Testing: This testing requires no documentation or any specific procedure to be followed. Since this testing targets at discovering defects via a random approach, except any documentation, defects will no longer be mapped to check cases. You can use this testing to test any part of the application randomly. 

2. Exploratory Testing: It is a kind of software testing that aims to optimize and enhance the software program in every viable way. In this kind of testing the tester is free to choose any feasible methodology to check the software. It is an unscripted strategy for software program testing. In exploratory testing, software program developers use their private learning, knowledge, abilities, and competencies to check the software program developed themselves. 

Difference between Adhoc Testing and Exploratory Testing:

S.No. Adhoc Testing Exploratory Testing
1. In this, the first step is to understand the application by learning the background process behind it, and then testing is performed. In this, the tester can test the application without any prior knowledge and can understand the application in the middle of testing the application.
2. This is a type of testing in which the one who is testing the app should have prior knowledge of the app or software in which they are going to perform Adhoc testing. In this, there is no compulsion of prior knowledge i.e. the tester can test the software or app without any knowledge.
3. In this, there is no target set or any goal to complete as it tests randomly. In this, goals and targets can be set.
4. In this, there is no such documentation as compared to Exploratory testing. In this, there is proper documentation and any testing will be done based on particular documentation only.
5. It has very little practical use as compared to Exploratory testing. It has good practical use in the market to test applications and software.
6 Adhoc testing is a testing approach where testers perform testing without any predefined test plan or test cases. Exploratory testing is a testing approach where testers perform testing based on their knowledge, experience, and intuition.
7 This testing is not well structured as compared to Exploratory testing. This testing is known for its structured documentation.
8 In this, bugs cannot be handled properly. In this, critical bugs can be handled efficiently.
9 Adhoc testing is usually performed when there is no time to create a formal test plan or test cases. Exploratory testing is usually performed when testers are familiar with the system under test and want to identify defects that may not be covered in the test plan.
10 Adhoc testing is often performed in an unstructured manner, where testers randomly perform tests without any specific order or priority. Exploratory testing is often performed in a structured manner, where testers follow a specific path of testing and document their findings as they go.
11 Adhoc testing is less efficient than other testing approaches because it lacks a predefined plan or structure. Exploratory testing is more efficient than other testing approaches because it allows testers to focus on high-risk areas and identify defects quickly.
12 Adhoc testing is usually performed by less experienced testers because it does not require a deep understanding of the system under test. Exploratory testing is usually performed by experienced testers who have a deep understanding of the system under test and can quickly identify defects.
13 Adhoc testing is suitable for applications that have a short development cycle or require rapid testing. Exploratory testing is suitable for applications that are complex and require testing based on user behavior and experience.