Difference between ADSL and Cable Modem

ADSL Modem and Cable Modem are appear to be cost-efficient strategies for delivering broadband network services. The elemental distinction between ADSL electronic equipment and Cable electronic equipment is that ADSL electronic equipment uses twisted combine cables for providing each voice and information varieties of services. On the opposite hand, cable modems work on line. Cable modem over ASDL modem: 
Difference between ADSL and Cable Modem:

S.NO ADSL Modem Cable Modem
1. ADSL stands for Asymmetric Digital Subscriber line. It has no full form.
2. ADSL modem uses twisted pair cable. While cable modem uses coaxial cable.
3. In ADSL modem, security is provided. While in cable modem, security is not provided.
4. ADSL modem offers the peak speed of 200 Mbps. While cable modem offers the peak speed of 1.2 Gbps.
5. The reliability of ADSL modem is more. While the reliability of cable modem is less than Adsl modem.
6. The frequency range of ADSL modem is from 25 KHz to 1.1 MHz. While the frequency range of cable modem from 54MHz to 1000 MHz.