Difference between Article and Blog

1. Article :
Articles are written in a most formal way and it is based on sophisticated writing. Generally articles are more than 300 words and sometimes more than 1000 words. It is based on interview, research, explanation, analysis or report and fact based. It is based on professional and scholarly tone. It goes through editor or reviewer team’s verification.

2. Blog :
Blogs are based on casual writing and it is not based on interview or research. It contains tips, lessons, opinions and tools etc. Generally blogs are less than 300 words and sometimes less than 1000 words means comparatively smaller than articles. The writer can publish any blog without any requirement of any editor.

Difference between Article and Blog :

01. Articles are more than 300 words and sometimes more than 1000 words. Blogs are less than 300 words and sometimes less than 1000 words.
02. It is written in second or third person. It is usually written in first person.
03. Articles should be lengthy and detailed. Blogs can be short or long it depends.
04. It does not include personal opinions. It includes personal opinion.
05. Reader has time to search and analyze and understand what the article is about. Reader is somewhat impatient and reads casually so contents should be quick to grasp.
06. It is based on sophisticated writing skill. It is based on casual writing skill.
07. Keywords are not important in articles. Focusing on keywords while writing blog.
08. Articles are based on interview, research, explanation, analysis or report and fact based. It is not based on interview or research. It contains tips, lessons, opinions and tools etc.
09. It is not SEO optimized. It is SEO optimized.
10. It includes lots of data, graphs, required images and statistics. It usually includes one or more images.
11. Editor and Reviewer teams need to verify before publishing. It is self publishing and does not require editor or reviewer verification.
12. It is not required to be frequently updated. It is required to be frequently updated.
13. It can share education information, state or facts. It can share opinions, encourages, and insights.
14. Articles are arranged by category. Blogs are arranged by chronologically.
15. For example writing any research article in IEEE. For example writing any blog in medium.