Difference Between Article and Essay

Articles and essays are both common forms of written communication that are utilized in a variety of sectors of study and vocations. Their goal, organization, and writing style, however, differ.

Difference Between Article and Essay


Articles are pieces of text that are published in a newspaper, magazine, journal, or website, either in print or electronically. It is intended for a big audience. It is founded on surveys, research, data, and analysis, among other things. Articles can be short or somewhat more than 1500 words. It is written with a certain goal in mind and teaches the readers about an idea.

Articles inform readers and keep them up to date by appearing in newspapers, magazines, encyclopedias, and, increasingly, websites. Let us use an example to better understand what an article is. Assume that in a research center, a scientist discovered any new notions and published a brief essay in a popular magazine, so that individuals in the same area found it useful and were also informed about a new thing.

Examples of articles include news articles, feature articles, and opinion pieces.


An essay is a formal and comprehensive piece of literature that describes a particular issue or topic analyzed and discussed. It refers to a short piece of writing on a particular subject. Mainly students in their academics are asked to write essays on some topics as a response to a question or proposition. It does not have a specific readership in mind.

Through essays, the writer or narrator expresses his or her personal views or opinion on a particular topic or a question and it is based on an educational and analytical tone. Let’s take an example and understand what is essay clearly suppose a school student has an exam and in the question paper he has been asked to write something explaining about Floods in India which is an example of an essay.

Examples of essays include academic essays, personal essays, and argumentative essays.

Tabular Differences between Article and Essay:

Article Essay
Written on a specific topic. Expresses the author’s opinion on a particular topic.
Informative in nature Persuasive in nature
Usually published in a magazine, newspaper, or website. Can be published in various formats, such as a book or academic journal.
Can be written in a formal or informal style. Can be written in a formal or informal style.
Can vary in length from a few hundred to a few thousand words Can vary in length from a few paragraphs to several pages.
The article has a target readership. An essay has no specific readership.
Articles are slightly long may be up to 1500 words. Essays may be very long and may contain up to 3000 words.
Articles follow the heading and subheading format. Essays may or may not follow the heading and subheading format.
Citation and Reference are not required. Citation and Reference are required.
It is short and a descriptive account of something or some topic.  It is a long account of an event or a concept or a historical happening
Examples: 5 Tips for Traveling on a Budget, The Benefits of Yoga, The Rise of Veganism Examples: The Importance of Budget Travel, Why I Became a Vegan, The Importance of Budget Travel


In summary, articles and essays are two different forms of written communication that serve different purposes. Articles are used to provide information about a particular topic, while essays are used to express personal opinions or persuade the reader to take a certain course of action. Understanding the differences between the two can help you choose the appropriate format for your writing task.