Difference Between ASGI and WSGI in Django

ASGI (Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface) and WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface), as the name suggests, both act as bridges between Web Servers and our Python web applications. They are the Python specifications that define how web servers and web applications will interact with each other. Understanding the difference between ASGI and WSGI is crucial for your development learning/

  • WSGI – WSGI stands for Web Server Gateway Interface and is suitable for synchronous programming or application.
  • ASGI – ASGI stands for Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface and is suitable for asynchronous applications. It supports handling long-lived connections, WebSockets, and other non-HTTP protocols.

Difference Between ASGI and WSGI in Django

Below are the differences between ASGI and WSGI in Django in Python:




Synchronous vs. Asynchronous WSGI is synchronous, handling one request at a time, and blocking execution until processing is complete. ASGI is asynchronous, handling multiple requests concurrently without blocking other requests.
Concurrency and Scalability WSGI achieves concurrency through processes or threads. ASGI efficiently handles concurrency and is recommended for long-lived connections or many clients.
Support of HTTP and WebSocket WSGI supports HTTP only, lacking WebSocket support. ASGI supports both HTTP and WebSocket, ideal for real-time bidirectional communication.
Servers Popular WSGI servers include Gunicorn and mod_wsgi. Popular ASGI servers include Daphne and Uvicorn.
Uses WSGI servers use processes or threads to handle requests individually. ASGI allows asynchronous code execution, addressing scalability concerns.
Protocol Support WSGI supports HTTP/1.1. ASGI supports HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, and WebSockets.
Middleware Compatibility WSGI middleware is synchronous, impacting performance in asynchronous applications. ASGI middleware is asynchronous, ensuring compatibility with asynchronous applications.

Advantages of WSGI in Django

  • Portability: Enables deployment on any WSGI-compliant server.
  • Performance: Optimized WSGI servers enhance application efficiency.
  • Middleware Compatibility: Integrates seamlessly with Django’s middleware system.
  • Deployment Flexibility: Offers a wide choice of servers and configurations for deployment.

Advantages of ASGI in Django

  • Asynchronous Support: ASGI enables efficient handling of asynchronous operations in Django applications.
  • Real-time Communication: Facilitates bidirectional real-time communication with protocols like WebSockets.
  • Scalability: ASGI servers handle concurrent connections efficiently, improving scalability.
  • Seamless Integration: Integrated with Django through Django Channels, allowing for familiar development patterns.