Difference between Big Data and Cloud Computing

1. Big Data :
Big data refers to the data which is huge in size and also increasing rapidly with respect to time. Big data includes structured data, unstructured data as well as semi-structured data. Big data can not be stored and processed in traditional data management tools it needs specialized big data management tools. It refers to complex and large data sets having 5 V’s volume, velocity, Veracity, Value and variety information assets. It includes data storage, data analysis, data mining and data visualization.

Examples of the sources where big data is generated includes social media data, e-commerce data, weather station data, IoT Sensor data etc.

Characteristics of Big Data :

  • Variety of Big data – Structured, unstructured, and semi structured data
  • Velocity of Big data – Speed of data generation
  • Volume of Big data – Huge volumes of data that is being generated
  • Value of Big data – Extracting useful information and making it valuable
  • Variability of Big data – Inconsistency which can be shown by the data at times.

Advantages of Big Data :

  • Cost Savings
  • Better decision-making
  • Better Sales insights
  • Increased Productivity
  • Improved customer service.

Disadvantages of Big Data :

  • Incompatible tools
  • Security and Privacy Concerns
  • Need for cultural change
  • Rapid change in technology
  • Specific hardware needs.

2. Cloud Computing :
Cloud computing refers to the on demand availability of computing resources over internet. These resources includes servers, storage, databases, software, analytics, networking and intelligence over the Internet and all these resources can be used as per requirement of the customer. In cloud computing customers have to pay as per use. It is very flexible and can be resources can be scaled easily depending upon the requirement. Instead of buying any IT resources physically, all resources can be availed depending on the requirement from the cloud vendors. Cloud computing has three service models i.e Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS).

Examples of cloud computing vendors who provides cloud computing services are Amazon Web Service (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, IBM Cloud Services etc.

Characteristics of Cloud Computing :

  • On-Demand availability
  • Accessible through a network
  • Elastic Scalability
  • Pay as you go model
  • Multi-tenancy and resource pooling.

Advantages of Cloud Computing :

  • Back-up and restore data
  • Improved collaboration
  • Excellent accessibility
  • Low maintenance cost
  • On-Demand Self-service.

Disadvantages of Cloud Computing :

  • Vendor lock-in
  • Limited Control
  • Security Concern
  • Downtime due to various reason
  • Requires good Internet connectivity.

Difference between Big Data and Cloud Computing :

01. Big data refers to the data which is huge in size and also increasing rapidly with respect to time. Cloud computing refers to the on demand availability of computing resources over internet.
02. Big data includes structured data, unstructured data as well as semi-structured data. Cloud Computing Services includes Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS).
03. Volume of data, Velocity of data, Variety of data, Veracity of data, and Value of data are considered as the 5 most important characteristics of Big data. On-Demand availability of IT resources, broad network access, resource pooling, elasticity and measured service are considered as the main characteristics of cloud computing.
04. The purpose of big data is to organizing the large volume of data and extracting the useful information from it and using that information for the improvement of business. The purpose of cloud computing is to store and process data in cloud or availing remote IT services without physically installing any IT resources.
05. Distributed computing is used for analyzing the data and extracting the useful information. Internet is used to get the cloud based services from different cloud vendors.
06. Big data management allows centralized platform, provision for backup and recovery and low maintenance cost. Cloud computing services are cost effective, scalable and robust.
07. Some of the challenges of big data are variety of data, data storage and integration, data processing and resource management. Some of the challenges of cloud computing are availability, transformation, security concern, charging model.
08. Big data refers to huge volume of data, its management, and useful information extraction. Cloud computing refers to remote IT resources and different internet service models.
09. Big data is used to describe huge volume of data and information. Cloud computing is used to store data and information on remote servers and also processing the data using remote infrastructure.
10. Some of the sources where big data is generated includes social media data, e-commerce data, weather station data, IoT Sensor data etc. Some of the cloud computing vendors who provides cloud computing services are Amazon Web Service (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, IBM Cloud Services etc.