Difference between Bluetooth and Zigbee

Bluetooth was developed under IEEE 802.15.1, which is used for providing wireless communication through radio signals. The frequency range supported in Bluetooth varies from 2.4 GHz to 2.483 GHz. It covers less distance than Zigbee. In Bluetooth, GFSK modulation technique is used. 

Whereas in Zigbee, BPSK and QPSK modulation techniques are used like UWB (Ultra-Wide Band). the frequency range supported in Zigbee is mostly 2.4 GHz worldwide, which means 2.4 GHz is not supported at all times. It covers more distance as compared with Bluetooth. 


In the above figure, we can see that the data transfer rate is faster in Bluetooth than in Zigbee whereas Zigbee covers larger distance than Bluetooth. 

Both Bluetooth and Zigbee have a lot in common which is, each area unit styles of IEEE 802.15 WPANs. each run within the pair of.4-GHz unlicensed band, and each use tiny kind factors and low power. Besides these similarities, there are some differences which are given below in the tabular form.

S. No. Bluetooth Zigbee
1. The Bluetooth SIG (Special Interest Group) is the organization responsible for managing Bluetooth standards and devices. The Zigbee Alliance is responsible for managing Zigbee and testing and approving Zigbee-based devices. IEEE standardizes all Zigbee-based protocols.
2. The frequency range supported in Bluetooth vary from 2.4 GHz to 2.483 GHz. While the frequency range supported in Zigbee mostly 2.4 GHz worldwide.
3. There are seventy nine RF channels in Bluetooth. There are sixteen RF channels in zigbee.
4. It uses GFSK modulation technique. Whereas it also uses BPSK and QPSK modulation techniques like UWB.
5. There is maximum of 8 cell nodes in Bluetooth. While there is more than sixty five thousand (65000) cell nodes in zigbee.
6. Bluetooth networks can be built using the point-to-point master-slave approach in which there is one master and up to seven slaves form a piconet, which leads to forming a scatter net which is a linking of two or more piconets. Zigbee devices can be networked in a variety of generic topologies, including a star, mesh, and others. A cluster can be created by connecting different Zigbee-based network topologies. Zigbee Coordinator, Zigbee Router, and Zigbee Endpoint nodes make up any Zigbee network.
7. Bluetooth requires low bandwidth. While zigbee also requires low bandwidth but greater than Bluetooth’s bandwidth most of time.
8. The radio signal range of Bluetooth is ten meters. While the radio signal range of zigbee is ten to hundred meters.
9. Bluetooth was developed under IEEE 802.15.1. Whereas it was developed under IEEE 802.15.4.
10. Bluetooth batteries may be recharged.  Although ZigBee batteries cannot be recharged, they last longer.
11. Blue tooth uses high data rates and a lot of power on large packet devices. Zigbee employs low data rates and little power on small packet devices.
12. Bluetooth employs the Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum. In frequency hopping, the carrier signal is made to fluctuate in frequency. Zigbee employs the Direct Spread Spectrum technique. In direct spread spectrum; the original signal is mixed and recovered from a pseudo random code at transmitter and receiver.
13. A network speed of up to 250 megabits per second. A network speed of up to 1 megabit per second.
14. The time it takes to join a network using Bluetooth is about 3 seconds. The time it takes to join a network using Zigbee is about 30 milliseconds.
15. Bluetooth’s protocol stack is 250K bytes in size. Zigbee’s protocol stack is 28K bytes in size.
16. Computer peripherals like wireless keyboards, mice, headsets, and other peripherals are the main use cases for Bluetooth-based applications. Additionally, several wireless remote controls and gesture-controlled devices communicate data via Bluetooth. Systems built on the Zigbee protocol are intended for wireless sensor networking, and they are more popular with compact and energy-efficient gadgets. Zigbee-based networking is used in a variety of applications, including SCADA system sensors, medical devices, and television remote controls.