Difference between BorgBase and Jumpshare

1. BorgBase: 
BorgBase is a backup storage software which is provided by The Borge Collective. It is basically designed for Unix like operating system based systems. It was launched by The Borge Collective in 2010. It was majorly developed using Python. It offers 10 GB free storage space. It also provides unlimited storage space for paid accounts. It is also known as Attic Backup Software. 

2. Jumpshare: 
Jumpshare is a file sharing service provided by the Jumpshare Incorporation. It enables the users to upload files from the personal computers and web. It provides both free and premium services. It offers 2 GB free storage space. It was launched by Jumpshare Incorporation in 2012. In Jumpshare, initially users did not need to sign up to upload the files but later on sign up was made compulsory. 

Difference between BorgBase and Jumpshare :

It is owned by The Borge Collective. It is owned by Jumpshare Incorporation.
It was launched in 2010. It was launched in 2012.
It offers 10 GB free storage space. It offers 2 GB free storage space.
It provides limited storage space for paid. It provides limited storage space for paid.
It is basically designed for Unix like operating systems. It is designed for all operating systems.
Maximum storage size is 100GB for Small, 1TB for Medium, and 2TB for Large paid plan. Maximum storage size is only 2 TB here.
Maximum file size in not fixed here. Maximum file size is 250 MB for free, 20 GB for paid plus plan and unlimited for Business and Enterprise plan.
It does not provide real-time file sharing with inbuilt utilities. It provides real-time file sharing with inbuilt utilities for screenshots, notes and voice clips.
Sign up is mandatory from the very first version of it. Its initial versions didn’t need sign up but later on it was made mandatory.
It has no traffic or band-width limit. It has traffic or band-width limit of 10 GB per month for free and 200 GB per month for paid.