Difference between Box and Mega

Box is a cloud storage and file hosting service provided by Box Incorporation. It was developed by Aaron Levie and Dylan Smith. It is basically a cloud content management and file sharing service for business. It offers 10 GB of storage space. It was launched by Box Incorporation in 2005. It is available for Windows, macOS, and other platforms.

Mega is a file hosting service and cloud storage which is provided by Mega Limited. It is basically designed for web-based applications but it also provides mobile applications for Android, Windows Phone, and iPhone. It was launched by Kim Dotcom in 2013. It was developed using PHP, C++, JavaScript, Java, and Objective-C. It offers 20 GB of free storage space with an additional 5 GB for a free trial. 

The differences between Box and Mega are as follows: 

It is owned by Box Incorporation. It is owned by Mega Limited.
It was launched in 2005. It was launched in 2013.
It was developed by Aaron Levie and Dylan Smith. It was developed by Kim Dotcom.
It offers 10 GB free storage space. Mega offers 20 GB free storage space with additional 5 GB per achievements.
It provides limited as well as unlimited maximum storage space for paid. It provides limited storage space for paid.
It does not provide applications for all operating systems and web based systems. It provides applications for all operating systems and web based systems.
Maximum storage size is 100 GB for personal accounts and unlimited for business accounts. Maximum storage size is 16 TB here.
Maximum file size is 250MB for free personal, 2GB for starter, 5GB for Business, 15GB for Business Plus, 50GB for Enterprise (and Digital Suites ), 150GB for Enterprise Plus paid plans. The maximum file size is equal to the available cloud drive space.
It supports file versioning in premium accounts only. It fully supports file versioning.
It supports remote uploading of 30 MB per file via IFTTT. It does not support remote uploading.
It has a traffic or band-width limit of 10 GB per month for free and 2 TB per month for paid. It has a traffic or bandwidth limit of 10 GB free and up to 16 TB per month for paid.
Box does not support Linux Environment. Mega supports a Linux Environment.