Difference between Box and Wuala

1. Box : 
Box is a cloud storage and file hosting service provided by Box Incorporation. It was developed by Aaron Levie and Dylan Smith. It is basically a cloud content management and file sharing service for business. It offers 10 GB storage space. It was launched by Box Incorporation in 2005. It is available for Windows, macOS and other platforms. Maximum file size is 250MB for free personal, 2GB for starter, 5GB for Business, 15GB for Business Plus, 50GB for Enterprise (and Digital Suites ), 150GB for Enterprise Plus paid plans. 

2. Wuala : 
Wuala was a file synchronization service, file storage service, file versioning service and backup storage service which was originally provided by Caleido Incorporation but was later owned by Seagate Technology. It was developed by Dominik Grolimund and Luzius Meisserin. It was majorly developed using Java. It offered 5 GB free storage space. It was launched in 2008. 

Difference between Box and Wuala :

It is owned by Box Incorporation. Originally owned by Caleido Incorporation but was later owned by Seagate Technology.
It was launched in 2005. It was launched in 2008.
It offers 10 GB free storage space. It offered 5 GB free storage space but later on it was made only paid-service.
It was developed by Aaron Levie and Dylan Smith. It was developed by Dominik Grolimund and Luzius Meisserin.
It does not have referral system for gaining additional free storage space. Initially it had referral system but later on referral service was suspended.
It has the maximum storage size of 100 GB for personal accounts and unlimited for business accounts. Maximum storage size offered was 2 TB here.
It supports file versioning in premium accounts only. It fully supported file versioning.
It does not provide ability to trade local disk storage space. It provided ability to trade local disk storage space against cloud storage.
It is still in use. This service was suspended in 2015.