Difference between Bridge and Router

Prerequisite – Network Devices 

Bridge is a network device, which works in data link layer. Through bridge, data or information is not stored and sent in the form of packets. Whereas Router is also a network device which works in network layer. Through router, data or information is stored and sent in the form of packets. The main difference between bridge and router is that, bridge study or scan the device’s MAC address. On the other hand, router study or scan the device’s IP address. 

Let’s see the difference between bridge and router which are given below:

S.NO Bridge Router
1. Bridge works in data link layer. While Router works in network layer.
2. Through bridge, data or information is not store and sent in the form of packet. While through router, data or information is store and sent in the form of packet.
3. There are only two ports in bridge. While there are more than two ports in router.
4. Bridge connects two different LANs. While router is used by LAN as well as MAN for connection.
5. In bridge, routing table is not used. While in routers, routing table is used.
6. Bridge works on single broadcast domain. While router works on more than single broadcast domain.
7. Bridges are easy to configure. While Routers are difficult to setup and configure.
8. Bridge focuses on MAC address . While Router focuses on protocol address.
9. Bridge is comparatively inexpensive. While Router is relatively expensive device.
10. Bridges are good for segment network and extends the existing network. While Routers are good for joining remote networks.