Difference between CI/CD and DevOps

1. Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) :
CI/CD, as name suggests, is basically combined practices of CI and either CD method. It directly facilitates agile development because software change reaches production more frequently. It focuses in incorporation of automation tools that help to define software life-cycles.

2. DevOps :
DevOps, as name suggests, is basically combination of practices and tools especially designed to shorten systems development life cycle and increase organization’s ability to deliver applications and services quicker. It mainly emphasizes people and aim to improve collaboration between operations and development teams. It simply allows development team to achieve business requirements, maintain high code quality, etc.

Difference between CI/CD and DevOps :



It focuses more on software defined lifecycle highlighting tools that emphasize automation.   It focuses more on culture highlighting roles that emphasize responsiveness.
It provides set of activities carried out along whole software delivery process right from developing to final deployment. It provides set of ideal practices for quality software development.  
It helps put together all code changes into single repository and run automated tests.   It helps put together more streamlined, agile and efficient process of software production. 
It helps development team to deliver frequent code that changes reliably.  It helps organizations to develop software and their production teams in way that allows continuous rapid deployment.  
Its main aim is to allow team to release constant flow of software updates into production quickly and get faster feedback from end user.  Its main aim is to better combine roles of dev and ops to achieve same shared business goal.  
It generally increases speed of innovation and ability to compete in marketplace, provide additional business values for organizations, simple and quicker fault isolation, etc.   It generally improves operational support and faster fixes, increase team flexibility and agility, cross-skilling and self-improvement, good processes across IT and team, etc. 
Its core operations include building phase, testing phase, deployment phase, and automated testing phase. Its core operations include application development, code development, code coverage, unit testing, packaging, deployment with infrastructure, configuration, orchestration, provisioning, and deployment.