Difference between Circuit switching and Message switching

Prerequisite – Computer Network | Switching techniques 
Both Circuit switching and Message switching are the methods used to connect different devices with each other. The main difference between Circuit switching and Message switching is that Circuit Switching is done by setting a physical path between two systems while Message switching works on the Store and Forward method.

Circuit switching

Message switching

 In message Switching, data is first stored by one node then forward to another node to transfer the data to another system. 

Difference between Circuit switching and Message switching: 

S.NO Circuit Switching Message Switching
1. Circuit Switching is done by setting a physical path between two systems. In message Switching, data is first stored by one node then forward to another node to transfer the data to another system.
2. In circuit switching, data is not stored. In message Switching, data is first stored, then forwarded to the next node.
3. Circuit Switching needs a dedicated physical path that’s why the messages need not be addressed. Message switching does not need a dedicated physical path and on Message switching, The messages are addressed independently.
4. Circuit Switching is Geographical addressing. Message Switching is Hierarchical addressing.
5. Circuit Switching is costlier than message Switching. The cost of message switching is less than circuit switching.
6. Circuit switching routing is manual type routing. Message Switching routing is not manual type routing, here route is selected during call setup.
7. Circuit switching reserves the full bandwidth in advance. because of that, there is a lot of wastage of bandwidth Message Switching does not reserve the entire bandwidth in advance. and that’s why bandwidth is used to its maximum extent.
8. In-circuit switching, the charge depends on time and distance. In message switching, the charge is based on the number of bytes and distance.
9. Congestion occurs per minute in circuit switching. In message switching, no congestion or very little congestion occurs.
10. Circuit switching uses Analog and digital media on a variety of platforms. Whereas Message switching uses digital media on a variety of platforms.
11. In-circuit switching there is no propagation delay. While In Message switching there is a propagation delay.
12. The transmission capacity of circuit switching is very low. while the transmission capacity of message switching is high.
13. In a circuit switching, Messages need not be addressed as there is one dedicated path. In message switching, Messages are addressed as independent routes are established.
14. Ex. Real time transfer of voice signals. Ex. Transmission of telegram.