Difference between Client /Server and Distributed DBMS

1. Client/Server :
Client/server is developed to deal with various computing environments that have a large number of computers and servers connected together via a network. In this architecture, a Client is a user machine which provides the user interface and local processing capabilities. When any client requires additional functionality like database access, it can connect to Server that is capable of providing the functionality needed by the client. Basically Server is a machine that provides services to the Client i.e user machine.

2. Distributed DBMS :
In Distributed DBMS, data is distributed over the geographical site. Each site is a complete database system site on its end but the different sites have to work together because if any user wants to access the data it can easily access data anywhere in the network as the data is stored at the user’s own computer.

Difference between Client/Server and Distributed DBMS :

S.No. Client/Server Distributed DBMS
1. Client can access only one server at a time. User can access many sites simultaneously.
2. It is difficult to manage. It is easy to manage.
3. In this data is distributed across clients. In this data is distributed across sites.
4. Speed of accessing database is poor as compared to Distributed DBMS. Speed of accessing database is much better than Client/Server Architecture.
5. If somehow server crashes, the whole system stops. The crash of one site does not stop the entire system.
6. Accessing of data is easy to control. Accessing of data is difficult to control.
7. It is less expensive as compared to Distributed DBMS. It is expensive.
8. Maintenance cost is low. Maintenance cost is high.