Difference between .com and .org domain

1. .com domain: The internet has made use of .com domains very popular. It is so popular that it can also be seen on the latest keyboard keys. The .com is a Top-Level Domain. It is one of the first generic domains (as opposed to sponsored and restricted domains). It was basically introduced for use by the commercial entities, however, due to the non-restricted nature of the domain, it can be used by individuals and non-commercial entities. The prices of the .com domain names are pretty high due to their popularity. eg. www.google.com, www.bbn.com, www.think.com, www.mcc.com, www.dec.com, www.northrop.com, www.xerox.com. Google has a .com domain.


  • The usage of .com domain provides more credibility to any website that is using this domain.
  • Easily searchable
  • Mobile friendly


  • User always feel like visiting website with .com domain that it is intended for selling something and earning profits.
  • For a selective domain you have to pay more because of less availability and more popularity.


2..org domain: .org domain is derived from the word organization. It was made for non-profit organizational entities. As it had become non-restricted, it is now open to all types of entities to be used. It is also one of the first domains that have been formed and are also a generic top-level domain. The name generic, suggests that it is not for any specific or sponsored use. Examples of .org domains are www.w3wiki.net, www.mitre.org, www.src.org, www.super.org, www.aero.org, www.mcnc.org, www.mn.org, and www.rti.org w3wiki has .org domain.


  • The usage of .org provides more credibility to the website status regarding non-profitable and appears to be legal.
  • As the domain .org is associated with non-profits, people prefer to search for non-profits using the .org extension.
  • Users have multiple options to choose the domain from a .org extension because it is being used by around 5% of the websites.


  • Less mobile-friendly as mobile devices do not have a dedicated button for .org, unlike .com.
  • Limited use because they are suitable only for non-profit organizations.

Difference between.com and .org domain:

S.No Basis of Comparison .com .org
1. Used for It is used for general purpose and commercial sites (by for-profit entities). It is used for schools, open-source projects, communities and some profit and Non-governmental organizations.
2. Popular .com is more popular than .org. It is less popular than .com.
3. Registration The registration is handled by Verisign. The domains can be handled by other registrars (e.g. Google, Go Daddy), however, they ultimately have partnerships or affiliations with Verisign. .org is handled by PIR (Public Interest Registry). The domains can be handled by other registrars (e.g. Google, Go Daddy), however, they ultimately have partnerships or affiliations with PIR.
4. Cost It is costlier than .org (due to the for-profit nature of the Verisign registry). It is cheaper than .com (due to the non-profit nature of the PIR registry).
5. Examples Examples : www.google.com, www.bbn.com, www.think.com, www.mcc.com, www.dec.com, www.northrop.com, www.xerox.com Examples : www.w3wiki.net, www.mitre.org, www.src.org, www.super.org, www.aero.org, www.mcnc.org, www.mn.org, www.rti.org
6. Purpose It was intended to be used by commercial entities. It was introduced to be used by miscellaneous organizations, that did not fit in other categories.
7. Derived from It has been derived from the word commercial. It was intended for commercial entities. It has been derived from the word organization. It was intended for non-profit entities.
8. Registry website The registry website is www.verisign.com The registry website for the .org domain is www.pir.com
9. Registered First site The first site ever registered under the .com domain is www.symbolics.com. The first site ever registered under the .org domain is www.mitre.org.
10. Mobile Friendly It is more user-friendly compared to .org. It is less user-friendly compared to .com.
11. Acceptability Alternatives to.com can appear low-cost and can hamper the status of product quality.  Alternatives to.org may cause visitors to doubt the intended purpose of a website. 
12. Availability It is not easily available due to its popularity. The .com extension has already been used by almost 50% of the websites. .org is easily available in comparison to .com. It is being used by around 5% of the websites.
13. When to use it?
  • Company websites engaged in selling products or services irrespective of online or offline mode.
  • Used by Blogs for greater acceptability from users
  • By a Charity organization
  • By a Non-profit organization
  • By open-source software companies
  • Websites related to education