Difference between Connection-oriented and Connection-less Services

Both Connection-oriented service and Connection-less service are used for the connection establishment between two or more two devices. These types of services are offered by the network layer. 

Connection-oriented service is related to the telephone system. It includes connection establishment and connection termination. In a connection-oriented service, the Handshake method is used to establish the connection between sender and receiver. 
Connection-less service is related to the postal system. It does not include any connection establishment and connection termination. Connection-less Service does not give a guarantee of reliability. In this, Packets do not follow the same path to reach their destination. 
Difference between Connection-oriented and Connection-less Services:

S.NO Connection-oriented Service Connection-less Service
1. Connection-oriented service is related to the telephone system. Connection-less service is related to the postal system.
2. Connection-oriented service is preferred by long and steady communication. Connection-less Service is preferred by bursty communication.
3. Connection-oriented Service is necessary. Connection-less Service is not compulsory.
4. Connection-oriented Service is feasible. Connection-less Service is not feasible.
5. In connection-oriented Service, Congestion is not possible. In connection-less Service, Congestion is possible.
6. Connection-oriented Service gives the guarantee of reliability. Connection-less Service does not give a guarantee of reliability.
7. In connection-oriented Service, Packets follow the same route. In connection-less Service, Packets do not follow the same route.
8. Connection-oriented services require a bandwidth of a high range. Connection-less Service requires a bandwidth of low range.
9. Ex: TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) Ex: UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
10. Connection-oriented requires authentication. Connection-less Service does not require authentication.