Difference Between Digital Audio and MIDI

Pre-requisites: Audio Format

The audio format defines the quality and loss of audio data. Based on the application different types of audio formats are used. 

Digital Audio

Binary data is used to represent sound in digital audio. It entails transforming analog sound waves into a digital version that can be stored, handled and transferred using digital technology.



Using a common set of commands and messages, the MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) protocol enables electronic musical instruments, computers, and other devices to communicate with one another. Instead of recording actual sound, it is a method of encoding musical notes and performance data as digital information.

Digital Audio MIDI
Digital Audio refers to the reproduction and transmission of sound stored in a digital format. A MIDI is a software for representing musical information in a digital format.
Digital Representation of physical sound waves. Abstract Representation of musical sound and sound effects.
Digital Audio comprises analog sound waves that are converted into a series of 0s and 1s. MIDI comprises a series of commands that represent musical notes, volume, and other musical parameters.
Actual Sound is stored in a digital audio file. No actual sound is stored in the MIDI file.
Files are large in size and are loose. Files are small in size and compact.
The quality of sound is in proportion to the file size. The quality of sound is not in proportion to the file size.
They reproduce the exact sound in a digital format. They sound a little different from the original sound.
Digital audio is used for recording and playback of music, sound effects, and voiceovers. MIDI is used for creating and controlling electronic music, such as synthesizers and drum machines.