Difference between ERP and IWMS

1. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) :
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), as name suggests, is a software tool that helps one to manage resources within organization and makes it more effective.

2. Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS) :
Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS), as name suggests, is software tool that helps one manage workplace i.e., all facilities within organization, and make it’s more effective.

Difference between ERP and IWMS :

It mainly focuses on all core activities or primary activities of organizations such as resources, sales, development, etc. It mainly focuses on secondary activities such as facility management, real estate management, etc.
It requires too many customizations that in turn increases overall cost. It does not require too many customizations therefore in turn it decreases overall cost.
ERP is less effective and more costly than IWMS. IWMS is more effective and less costly than ERP.
It’s not easy to implement ERP and it involves many risks. It’s very easy to implement IWMS and it involves fewer risks.
ERP is not easily accepted and used by customers because it is very complex due to many numbers of processes. IWMS is easily accepted and used by customers because it’s a simple process.
It does not have any functionality that is required for managing secondary processes. It involves functionalities that are required for managing secondary processes.
It is not good for organizations that want to manage both primary and secondary processes. It is good for organizations that want to manage both primary and secondary processes.
ERP cannot be used to perform tasks that IWMS is not being able to perform. IWMS can be used to perform tasks that ERP is not being able to perform.
It includes entire functioning of organization to make it work better as a unit. It does not include entire functioning of organization to make it work better as a unit.