Difference between Error Seeding and Mutation Testing in Software Testing

1. Error Seeding :
Error seeding can be defined as a process of adding errors to the program code that can be used for evaluating the number of remaining errors after the system software test part. The process works by adding the errors to the program code that one can try to find & estimate the number of real errors in the code base with the help of the number of seeded errors. In the error-seeding technique, a predefined number of artificial errors are seeded in the program code. This technique target to detect errors in order to find out the ratio between the real and artificial errors. In other words, some artificial errors are introduced into the program artificially for determining the leftover errors in the program.

2. Mutation Testing :
Mutation Testing is a type of Software Testing that is performed to design new software tests and also evaluate the quality of already existing software tests. It can also be described as the process of rewriting the source code in small ways in order to remove the redundancies in the source code. it is related to modification a program code in small ways. It focuses to help the tester develop effective tests or locate weaknesses in the test data used in the program. Mutation Testing is a very strong technique of finding the hidden defects that cannot be identified using other methods like conventional testing techniques. Also, the changes created in the mutant program must be kept very small to not affect the target of the program in the testing. This testing is also known as Fault-based testing

Let’s see the differences between these two:

Error Seeding Mutation Testing
In the Error Seeding technique, no mutants(a small change in code) are created. For testing purposes, mutants(a small change in code) are created.
In this, the program code is tested within itself for finding the errors. In this, the mutants themselves are combined, compared for testing to detect errors introduced.
In the Error Seeding process, the errors are introduced. In this testing process, special methods are used for finding errors.
This technique requires less time as compared to other testing. This technique requires more time as compared to error seeding.
This technique is also cost-efficient. This technique can be expensive.
This technique is recommended for larger projects or software. This technique is recommended for smaller projects or software.
Here, the test cases are used for detecting errors that are used for testing. Here, the test cases are used for killing mutants are used for testing.
It is an error-oriented technique. It is also an error-oriented technique.