Difference between Facial Recognition and Face ID

Facial recognition: 
It refer as the process of identifying the actual identity of a person using facial expression. Facial details are captures, analyzes, and compares. The face detection process is an essential step as it detects and locates human faces in images and videos. It is a way of recognizing a human face through technology. It compares the information with a database of known faces to find a match. 

Face ID: 
Apple’s iPhone X is the first phone with advanced facial recognition capabilities with a technology called Face ID. The technology that enables Face ID is some of the most advanced hardware and software that we’ve ever created.Face ID is the most advanced and reliable biometric technology in phones and iPhone X was the first iPhone to use this feature in a smartphone. 

Let’s see the difference between Facial Recognition and Face ID: 


1 It is the biometric software application capable of verifying the identity of person using facial expression. It is the most advanced and reliable biometric technology in phones and iPhone X was the first iPhone to use this feature in a smartphone
2 It is the Technological Idea. It is the Practical application of Face recognition.
3 This technology in Android Phones is low level. It is more advanced and the most secure facial.
4 This technology in Android Phones uses a combination of infrared camera and IR LED. This uses the front TrueDepth camera to project over 30000 dots.
5 This technology in Android Phones is not more accurate. Face ID is more convenient and more accurate.