Difference between Fiber optic cable and Copper wire

1. Fiber Optic Cable:

 Fiber Optic Cable is also known as the Optical Fiber Cable. It is made up of plastic or glass. It transmits signals in the form of light. There are 3 basic components of the optical transmission system which are as follows:

  1. Light source
  2. Transmission media (fiber optics)
  3. Detector

Advantages of Fiber optic cables:

  • High bandwidth: Fiber optic cables have a much higher bandwidth than copper wires, which means they can carry more data at faster speeds.
  • Long distance: Fiber optic cables can transmit data over long distances without signal loss or degradation. This makes them ideal for long-haul communication.
  • Immunity to electromagnetic interference: Fiber optic cables are immune to electromagnetic interference, which can be a significant problem for copper wires.
  • Security: Fiber optic cables are much more difficult to tap into or intercept than copper wires, making them more secure for sensitive data transmission.

Disadvantages of Fiber optic cables:

  • Cost: Fiber optic cables are generally more expensive than copper wires, which can be a significant factor in some applications.
  • Fragility: Fiber optic cables are more fragile than copper wires and can be damaged easily if not handled carefully.
  • Limited compatibility: Fiber optic cables are not always compatible with older network equipment and may require costly upgrades.

2. Copper wire: 

Copper wire is used for the electrical wiring. It transmits data in the form of electronic signals. It is the single solid conductor. 

Advantages of Copper wires:

  • Low cost: Copper wires are generally less expensive than fiber optic cables, which can make them more cost-effective for some applications.
  • Easy to install: Copper wires are easy to install and work with, which can make them a more convenient choice for some applications.
  • Compatibility: Copper wires are compatible with a wide range of network equipment, making them a versatile choice.
  • Durability: Copper wires are more durable than fiber optic cables and can withstand more physical abuse.

Disadvantages of Copper wires:

  • Limited bandwidth: Copper wires have a lower bandwidth than fiber optic cables, which means they can carry less data at slower speeds.
  • Signal loss: Copper wires are more susceptible to signal loss and degradation over long distances, which can limit their usefulness in certain applications.
  • Electromagnetic interference: Copper wires are susceptible to electromagnetic interference, which can cause signal distortion and other problems.
  • Security: Copper wires are more vulnerable to interception and eavesdropping than fiber optic cables.

 Similarities between fiber optic cables and copper wires:

  • Both are used for data transmission: Both fiber optic cables and copper wires are used to transmit data in various applications such as telecommunications, networking, and broadcasting.
  • Both require connectors: Both fiber optic cables and copper wires require connectors to connect to devices and other cables.
  • Both can be used for power transmission: Copper wires can be used for power transmission, and fiber optic cables can be used to power some devices using light.
  • Both have different types: Both fiber optic cables and copper wires have different types designed for specific applications, such as single-mode and multi-mode fiber optic cables and stranded and solid copper wires.
  • Both require proper installation and maintenance: Both fiber optic cables and copper wires require proper installation and maintenance to ensure optimal performance and longevity.

Difference between Fiber optic cable and Copper wire:

Sr. No. Basis Fiber Optic Cable Copper Wire
1. Data Carrier It carries data in the form of light. It carries data in the form of electric signals.
2. Bandwidth It offers higher bandwidth. It offers lower bandwidth.
3. Structure It is thin, lighter in weight, and smaller in size. It is heavier and thicker.
4. Environment It can be laid in different environments because it is more resistant to corrosive materials. It cannot be laid in a different environment because it is more prone to corrosive materials.
5. Attenuation Attenuation is very low. Attenuation is high.
6. Interface As this data travel in the form of light, they are not affected by the electrical and magnetic interfaces. As in this data travel in the form of electric signals, they are affected by the electrical and magnetic interfaces.
7. Security They provide security against the wiretappers, because there is no leakage of light and are difficult to tap. They do not provide security against the wiretappers, because there is leakage of signals, and are easy to tap.
8. Cross-talk problem There is no such kind of problem. These are prevalent this problem.
9. Effect on charge carriers In this charge carriers are photons, they do not carry any charge, so they do not get affected. In this charge carriers are electrons, they carry a negative charge, so they get affected when they move in a wire.
10. Break-ability They are easily breakable. They cannot be easily broken.
11. Installation Cost Installation Cost is high. Installation Cost is less.
12. Bandwidth Size It is a bandwidth size 60Tps. It is a bandwidth size 10Gbps.
13. Width Fiber Optic width around 4lbs/1000 ft. Copper wire width around  39lbs/1000ft.


The choice between fiber optic cables and copper wires depends on the specific application’s requirements. Fiber optic cables offer higher bandwidth, longer distance transmission, and better security but come at a higher cost and require specialized equipment for installation and maintenance. Copper wires offer lower cost, easy installation and maintenance, but lower bandwidth, shorter distance transmission, and are more susceptible to signal loss and interference. It is essential to consider all these factors when deciding which type of cable to use for your communication and data transmission needs.