Difference between Frame Relay and ATM

Frame Relay: Frame Relay is that the transmission mode during which information is transferred through electric circuit layer, within the style of packets. It provides the information speed from sixty four Kbps to forty five Mbps. Frame relay has variable packet size. It doesn’t give error management and flow management. The responsibility of frame relay is a smaller amount. 
Asynchronous Transmission Mode (ATM): ATM has mounted packet size. It provides the information speed of a hundred and fifty five.5 Mbps or 622 Mbps. ATM provides error management and flow management. it’s a decent reliable than frame relay. 
Let’s see the difference between Frame Relay and ATM:

S.NO Frame Relay ATM
1. Frame relay has variable packet size. While ATM has fixed packet size.
2. The cost of frame relay is low. While it is costlier than frame relay.
3. In frame relay the packet delay is more. While in this, the packet delay is low or less.
4. The reliability of frame relay is less. While it is a good reliable.
5. The packet transfer speed of frame relay is low. While the packet transfer speed of ATM is high.
6. The throughput of frame relay is moderate. While it’s throughput is high.
7. Frame relay does not provide error control and flow control. While ATM provides error control and flow control.