Difference Between Gene And Allele

The two basic and essential terms in genetics are genes and alleles. A gene is a piece of the DNA structure, and it determines the genetic characteristics of every person. Alleles determine a single trait and several variations of the same gene.


The term “gene” was first used by Wilhelm Johannsen, who used his knowledge of botany to study the genetic characteristics of plants. Gene is a particular sequence of nucleotides in DNA or RNA that is located generally on a chromosome. Gene is the functional unit of heredity directing the transmission and expression of one or more characteristics in every type of living organism. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is used to make genes but in the case of certain viruses, ribonucleic acid (RNA) is used to make genes. A gene is made up of four distinct nucleotide bases, which are also the fundamental units of DNA. Nucleotides contain four different types of bases: 1. Adenine (A), 2. Guanine (G), 3. Cytosine (C), and 4. Thymine (T). The genotype of an organism is determined by its genes. The main function of a gene is to regulate the expression of traits. Among the traits determined by genes are skin pigmentation, hair color, and eye color.


The term “allele” is important in the genetics field. An allele is a gene’s variable form. A gene is a structural component of chromosomes that transmits heredity from one generation to the next. Alleles are a pair of genes that are enhanced by a mutation and are present on the same chromosome. The alleles could be recessive or dominant. They can be found on the chromosome in pairs or other numerous forms and are occupied at a certain position. The phenotype of an organism is determined by its allele. The main function of an allele is to control the various ways in which a certain trait might express itself. Among the traits determined by alleles are blue eyes, green eyes, black skin, and white skin. 

Difference Between Gene and Allele

Basis of comparison



Definition A gene is a DNA component that controls a certain characteristic. Alleles are pairs of genes that share a specific chromosomal location.
Determines The genotype of an organism.  The phenotype of an organism. 
Function Expressing traits.  Variation in traits. 
Pairing No, it doesn’t occur in pairs.  Yes, it occurs in pairs. 
Found in All known organisms.  In multi genome-organisms. 
Types Allele is a type of gene. 

Alleles are of two types:

(1) Materan and parental

(2) Dominant and recessive 

Differentiation There is no differentiation in genes.  Alleles can be differentiated into homozygous or heterozygous. 
Generalization There is no generalization in genes.  Different phenotypes are caused by a pair of alleles.
Formation Genes are transferred from parents to their offspring.  Identify the features that comprise the characteristics of an individual. 
Number per genus locus One Two
Example Skin pigmentation, hair color, and eye color. Blue eyes, green eyes, black skin, and white skin. 

Similarities Between Gene and Allele

  1. Both genes and alleles are important terms used in genetics.
  2. Both genes and alleles are segments of DNA.
  3. Both genes and alleles are located in the chromosomes.
  4. Both genes and alleles determine traits.
  5. Both genes offsprings and alleles are responsible for the passing of hereditary information from parents to its offspring.


The two basic and essential terms in genetics are genes and alleles. A gene is a piece of the DNA structure, and it determines the genetic characteristics of every person. Gene is a particular sequence of nucleotides in DNA or RNA that is located generally on a chromosome. Gene is the functional unit of heredity directing the transmission and expression of one or more characteristics in every type of living organism. Alleles determine a single trait and several variations of the same gene. Alleles are a pair of genes that are enhanced by a mutation and are present on the same chromosome. The alleles could be recessive or dominant. The main function of a gene is to regulate the expression of traits. The main function of an allele is to create variation in traits. 

FAQs on Gene and Allele

Q1. Define Gene.


A gene can be defined as a piece of the DNA structure, and it determines the genetic characteristics of every person.

Q2. Define Allele.


 An allele is a gene’s variable form that determines a single trait and several variations of the same gene.

Q3. Name the Scientist who first used the Term “Gene”.


 Wilhelm Johannsen is the one who first used the term gene. 

Q4. Write the Function of the Gene.


 The functions of genes:

  1. The hereditary information is passed down from one generation to the next through genes.
  2. The morphology or phenotype of people is determined by their genes.