Difference Between GIT and SVN

In version control systems (VCS), Git and SVN (Subversion) are two of the most widely used tools. Both systems help developers manage code changes, collaborate with team members, and maintain the history of their projects. However, there are fundamental differences in their design, workflows, and features. This article will explore these differences, helping you understand which system might be the best fit for your needs.


Git is an open-source distributed version control system developed by Linus Torvalds in 2005. Its emphasis on speed and data integrity in which there is no centralized connectivity is needed. It is powerful and cheap branching with easy merge in which each developer has his repository and has a local copy in which they can change history. It supports non-linear development branches and applications with a large number of code files. 

Here are some .git directory structures used in GIT:

  • HEAD/: A pointer structure used in git.
  • Config/: Contains all configuration preferences.
  • description/: Description of your project.
  • index/: It is used as a staging area between the working directory.
  • object/: All the data are stored here.
  • logs/: Keeps record of changes that are made.

Features of GIT

  1. Distributed Version Control: Each developer has a full copy of the repository, including its entire history. This allows for offline work and decentralized collaboration.
  2. Efficient Branching and Merging: Git makes it easy and fast to create, merge, and delete branches. This supports workflows like feature branching and pull requests.
  3. Speed and Performance: Local operations are very fast since they don’t require network access. Commands like commit, diff, and log execute quickly.
  4. Staging Area (Index): Git has a staging area that allows you to prepare changes before committing. This provides granular control over what changes are included in a commit.
  5. Strong Community and Ecosystem: Git is widely supported with numerous tools, integrations, and platforms like GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket, enhancing its functionality and usability.


Apache Subversion is an open-source software version and revision control system under the Apache license. It managed files and folders that are present in the repository. It can operate across the network, which allows it and used by people on different computer .we can say that a repository is like an ordinary file server which allows it to be used by people on a different computer. 

Features of SVN

  1. Centralized Version Control: All files and their historical versions are stored in a central repository. This ensures all team members are always working with the latest version.
  2. Atomic Commits: SVN ensures that commits are atomic, meaning either all changes in a commit are applied, or none are. This prevents partial changes from causing inconsistencies.
  3. Directory Versioning: SVN can track changes to directories, renames, and file metadata, not just file content. This provides a more comprehensive versioning system.
  4. Efficient Handling of Binary Files: SVN handles binary files efficiently, which can be beneficial for projects that include non-text files like images or compiled libraries.
  5. Access Control: SVN offers robust access control mechanisms at the repository, directory, and file levels, allowing for fine-grained permissions management.

Difference between GIT and SVN:

Git is open source distributed vice control system developed by Linus Torvalds in 2005. It emphasis on speed and data integrity Apache Subversion is an open source software version and revision control system under Apache license.
Git has a Distributed Model. SVN has a Centralized Model.
In git every user has their own copy of code on their local like their own branch. In SVN there is central repository has working copy that also make changes and committed in central repository.
In git we do not required any Network to perform git operation.   In SVN we required Network for runs the SVN operation. 
Git is more difficult to learn. It has more concepts and commands.  SVN is much easier to learn as compared to git.
Git deals with large number of files like binary files that change quickly that why it become slow. SVN control the large number of binary files easily.
In git we create only .git directory. In SVN also we create only one .svn directory. From one version onwards, SVN only create one .svn directory, too.
It does not have good UI as compared to SVN. SVN has simple and better user interface .

Which One Should You Choose?

Use Git if:

  • You need a flexible and distributed version control system.
  • You are working on an open-source project or a team that prefers feature branching workflows.
  • You want to leverage modern DevOps tools and integrations.

Use SVN if:

  • You prefer a centralized version control model.
  • Your team is already familiar with SVN and it meets your needs.
  • You have legacy projects that are deeply integrated with SVN.


Both Git and SVN are powerful version control systems that can help manage code changes and collaboration in software projects. Git’s distributed nature, branching and merging capabilities, and popularity make it the go-to choice for many modern development teams. On the other hand, SVN’s centralized model can still be beneficial for teams that prefer a simpler, more controlled environment.