Difference between Hardware and Networking

1. Hardware : Hardware, as name suggest, are tools, machines and other durable equipment’s i.e. physical part of components such as keyboard, mouse, sound card, etc. and are required to function. Hardware is responsible for processing data and running software applications.

2. Networking : Networking, as name suggests, is simple exchange of information or services, allows devices to be connected to each other on network and help user to share resources and in communication. Networking can be used for a variety of purposes, including sharing data, connecting to the internet, and accessing resources on remote systems.

Similarities between  Hardware and Networking :

  • Both hardware and networking require planning and design: Whether you’re building a computer system or a network, planning and design are crucial to ensure that the system functions optimally. In both cases, you need to consider factors such as performance, compatibility, scalability, and security.
  • Both hardware and networking require configuration and maintenance: Once a system is set up, it requires ongoing maintenance to ensure it runs smoothly. This includes regular updates, repairs, and optimizations for hardware, and configuration, monitoring, and troubleshooting for networking.
  • Both hardware and networking can impact system performance: The quality of hardware components and the efficiency of networking protocols can have a significant impact on the performance of a computer system. Poor hardware or network design can result in slow performance, bottlenecks, and other issues.
  • Both hardware and networking are essential components of modern computer systems: Without hardware, a computer system cannot function, and without networking, it cannot communicate with other devices. Both are necessary for building and maintaining modern computer systems.

Difference between Hardware and Networking :

Hardware Networking
Hardware are parts of computer or system of computers. Networking is used for connection of several computers.
It is used to setup any system. It is used to share file, resource, and protection of data.
Features of hardware includes diskspace, memory, speed, durability, etc. Features of networking includes communication speed, scalability, security, file sharing, reliability, etc.
Benefits of hardware includes develop effective communication, increase employee morale, reduce costs, etc. Benefits of networking includes strength business connections, advance career, build confidence, shared knowledge, exchange fresh ideas, etc.
Type of hardware includes hard disk, drives, keyboard, monitor, CPU, RAM or memory, etc. Types of networking includes Wireless Local Area Network (WAN), Local Area Network (LAN), Storage Area Network (SAN), etc.
Factors that are needed to be considered while selecting hardware includes quality and price, storage, brand, usability, etc. Factors that are needed to be considered while selecting networking includes hardware resources, future expansion, budget, ease of implementation, etc.
Its main purpose is to provide support to various functions such as input, processing, output and communication. Its main purpose is to share information, exchange advice, and helping others toward goals.


Hardware and networking are both essential components of modern computer systems. While hardware is responsible for processing data, networking enables communication between devices. By understanding the differences between hardware and networking, businesses and individuals can effectively build and maintain computer networks that meet their needs.