Difference between HCL Connections and Ubuntu One

1. HCL Connections : HCL Connections is a storage software which is provided by HCL Technologies. It was developed by IBM but HCL acquired it in 2019. It is an enterprise-collaboration platform which helps teams work more efficiently. It was launched by IBM in 2007. It offers 5 GB free storage space. It provides limited storage space for paid accounts. It was earlier known as IBM Connections. 

2. Ubuntu One : Ubuntu One was a file hosting service, file synchronization service and cloud service which was provided by Canonical Limited. It was an OpenID based single sign-on service. It provided services for storing files on cloud and also streaming of music from cloud. It was developed by Canonical Ltd. It was suitable for Windows, OS X, iOS, Ubuntu and Android. It offered 5 GB free storage space. It was launched in 2009. 
Difference between HCL Connections and Ubuntu One :

It is owned by HCL Technologies. It was owned by Canonical Limited.
It was launched in 2007. It was launched in 2009.
It offers 5 GB free storage space. It also offered 5 GB free storage space.
It was developed by IBM. It was developed by Canonical Ltd.
Maximum storage size is 1TB for smaller installations, 10TB for medium installations and 100TB for big installations in RAID Technology. Maximum storage size was unlimited here.
It is still in use. This service was suspended in 2014.
Files stored here are encrypted. Files stored in Ubuntu One were not encrypted.
Maximum file size is 2 GB here. Maximum file size was 5 GB per file.
It is a file hosting, file synchronization and cloud storage service. It was a commercial file synchronization service.
It has no traffic or band-width limit. It has Amazon S3 limits as traffic or band-width limit.
It supports Windows, OS X, iOS and Android. It supported Windows, OS X, iOS, Ubuntu and Android.
It does not have freeware version. It had freeware version.