Difference Between Herbs And Shrubs

Difference Between Herbs And Shrubs: Herbs and shrubs are two separate plant groups with distinct traits and qualities. While both herbs and shrubs are members of the plant kingdom, they differ in size, growth habits, and lifetime. Herbs are small size plants that normally don’t exceed 2 feet in height. Whereas shrubs are medium- to large-sized plants that can grow up to 20 feet tall. This article is a comparison of herbs and shrubs, showing the difference Between Herbs And Shrubs in a table format.

Differences Between Herbs and Shrubs

The following are some of the important differences between herbs and shrubs.





Small, typically less than 2 feet

Medium to large, ranging from 2 to 20 feet

Stem Structure

Soft, green and non-woody

Woody, with multiple branches and bark


Annual, biennial, or perennial

Perennial, with a long lifespan

Growth Habit

Non-woody and herbaceous

Woody and semi-woody


Reproduce from seeds or vegetative propagation

Primarily propagate through seeds or stem cuttings

Example Plants

Basil, cilantro, mint, parsley

Azaleas, lilacs, roses, hibiscus


Thrive in various environments

Adapted to specific climatic conditions

What are Herbs?

Herbs are small size plants. They feature flexible, herbaceous-looking stems that are soft, green, and devoid of wood. Some herbs are annuals, finishing their life cycle in a single year, while others are biennials or perennials, lasting for several years. Their stems stay flexible and lack the stiff structure of woody plants, exhibiting a non-woody growth habit. Herbs like basil, cilantro, mint, and parsley are examples. Herbs are popular additions to gardens, kitchens, and herbal medicines because of their culinary, medicinal, and fragrant qualities.

What are Shrubs?

Shrubs are medium- to large-sized plants. They have thick, woody stems with numerous branches, and a coating of bark that serves as both a structural support and a layer of defense. S has a long lifespan, sometimes many years or more. They can be tall and spreading or compact and bushy, among many other forms. Azaleas, lilacs, roses, and hibiscus are typical examples of shrubs. Shrubs are prized for their decorative attributes because they offer animal habitat, vibrant blooms, and lovely leaves.


In conclusion, size, stem structure, lifespan, growth pattern, and use of herbs and shrubs are different. While shrubs are bigger, woodier plants prized for their decorative attributes, herbs are smaller, non-woody plants recognized for their culinary and medicinal virtues. Selecting the right plants for certain uses and settings requires an understanding of their characteristics.

FAQs on Herbs and Shrubs

Q: Can herbs be grown indoors?


Yes, they can be grown indoors.

Q: Do herbs have any medicinal properties?


Yes, many herbs have medicinal properties and are used as medicines traditionally

Q: Can shrubs be pruned to maintain a desired shape?


Yes, they can be pruned to maintain a desired shape

Q: Are all herbs edible?


Not all herbs can be eaten as some herbs may contain toxins

Q: Can shrubs tolerate different soil types?


Yes, depending on the shrub species, shrubs can endure a wide range of soil types, including loam, clay, and sandy soils.