Difference between Hive and Derby

1. Hive :
Hive is a data warehouse software for querying and managing large distributed datasets, built on Hadoop. It is developed by Apache Software Foundation in 2012. It contains two modules, one is MapReduce and another is Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). It stores schema in a database and processed data into HDFS. It resides on top of Hadoop to summarize Big Data, and makes querying and analyzing easy.

2. Derby :
Derby is a open source relational database management system. It is developed by Apache Software Foundation in 1997. It is written and implemented completely in the Java programming language. The primary database model of Derby is Relational DBMS. All OS with a Java VM are server operating system. It provides users fine grained access rights according to SQL-standard and with a small-footprint standards-based database engine that can be tightly embedded into any Java based solution.

Difference between Hive and Derby :

Sr.No. Hive Derby
1. It is developed by Apache Software Foundation in 2012. It is developed by Apache Software Foundation in 1997..
2. It is written and implemented in Java. It is written and implemented in Java.
3. It provides Eventual Consistency concept. It provides Immediate Consistency concept.
4. It does not support ACID Transaction concepts. It support ACID Transaction concepts.
5. It support C++, Java, PHP, Python programming language. It support java programming language.
6. It support map reduce method. It does not support map reduce method.
7. It support partitioning method with sharding. It does not support Partitioning methods.
8. It support access rights for users, groups and roles. It support fine grained access rights according to SQL-standard.