Difference Between Homozygous And Heterozygous

Homozygous and heterozygous are terms used in genetics to describe the types of alleles an individual possesses for a particular gene. A homozygous individual carries two identical alleles(RR or rr) for a specific gene while a heterozygous individual carries two different alleles(Rr) for a specific gene. The concepts of homozygous and heterozygous genotypes are fundamental in explaining the inheritance patterns of traits as described by Gregor Mendel.

Table of Content

  • Difference Between Homozygous And Heterozygous
  • Homozygous
  • Heterozygous
  • FAQs on Homozygous And Heterozygous

Difference Between Homozygous And Heterozygous

Difference Between Homozygous And Heterozygous is as follows:





Both alleles for a specific gene are identical, i.e., two dominant alleles (homozygous dominant) or two recessive alleles (homozygous recessive).

Two different alleles for the same gene, typically one dominant and one recessive allele.

Genetic Representation

Represented by either two capital letters (e.g., AA or aa)

Represented by one capital and one lowercase letter (e.g., Aa).


The expressed trait is solely determined by the alleles present. For homozygous individuals, it’s either the dominant trait (homozygous dominant) or the recessive trait (homozygous recessive).

The dominant allele typically determines the expressed trait, masking the expression of the recessive allele.


AA (homozygous dominant) and aa (homozygous recessive)

Aa (heterozygous)


Homozygous crosses produce offspring with the same genotype and phenotype as the parent.

Heterozygous crosses can produce offspring with a 3:1 ratio of phenotypes, following Mendel’s laws of inheritance.

What is Homozygous?

The term “homozygous” comes from two words, “homo,” meaning “same,” and “zygous,” which refers to having zygotes of a particular kind. When both alleles for a gene are identical, an individual is considered homozygous for that gene. For instance, you may have two identical or very similar alleles for a specific gene that determines characteristics like hazel brown eyes.

The traits expressed by homozygous individuals are decided by the alleles within their genetic makeup. For example, when someone is homozygous dominant, the dominant trait will be evident, while homozygous recessive individuals will display the recessive trait. Homozygous breeding contributes to preserving the purity of particular traits across successive generations.

What is Heterozygous?

The name “heterozygous” is a combination of two words: hetero, which means “different,” and zygous, which means “having zygotes of a specific type.”As a result, two distinct Alleles are present on the Homologous Chromosomes. The expression of a trait in an individual is determined by the specific combination of alleles they possess, and in certain instances, one of these alleles can show dominance, as a result influencing the physical characteristic.

Heterozygous individuals have a specific genotype that may or may not be expressed in their phenotype, depending on the dominance or recessiveness of the alleles involved. Heterozygous individual contributes to genetic diversity within populations. The diversity plays an important role in evolution and adaptation of the species.

FAQs on Homozygous and Heterozygous

1. What is the Difference between Homozygous and hHterozygous?


Human have two set of chromosomes and when an individual has two identical alleles for a particular gene (e.g., AA or aa)it is known as homozygous and when an individual which has two different alleles for a specific gene (e.g., Aa) it is known as heterozyous.

2. What is the Significance of Homozygosity in Genetics?


Homozygous individuals express the trait linked with the single allele they carry , which can be helpful in determining the dominance or recessiveness of a particular allele.

3. How does Heterozygosity contribute to Genetic Diversity?


Heterozygosity results in genetic diversity by introducing different alleles within a population and this diversity is important for adaptation and evolutionof the species.

4. How do Homozygous and Heterozygous Traits relate to Mendelian genetics?


Mendelian genetics studies the inheritance of traits, and homozygous and heterozygous conditions help explain how traits are passed from one generation to the next according to Mendel’s laws.

5. How does the Concept of Codominance relate to Homozygous and Heterozygous conditions?


Codominance occurs when both alleles in a heterozygous individual are fully expressed. It contrasts with incomplete dominance, where the heterozygous condition results in an intermediate phenotype.