Difference between iCloud and Tencent Weiyun

1. iCloud :
iCloud is a cloud storage and cloud computing service provided by Apple Incorporation. It allows users to store data such as documents, photos and music on remote servers for download to iOS, macOS or Windows devices. It also enables to share and send data to other users. It is also helpful to manage the Apple devices if it is lost or stolen. It was launched in 2011.

2. Tencent Weiyun :
Tencent Weiyun is a file hosting service and cloud storage which is provided by Tencent Holdings Limited. It is available in two languages English and Chinese. It is majorly used in countries like China. It was launched by Tencent Holdings Limited in 2012. It offers 10 GB free storage space. It offers limited storage space for paid. The maximum storage size is 2 TB here.

Difference between iCloud and Tencent Weiyun :

It is owned by Apple Incorporation. It is owned by Tencent Holdings Limited.
It was launched in 2011. It was launched in 2012.
It was developed by Apple. It was developed by Tencent.
It offers 5 GB free storage space. It offers 10 GB free storage space.
It provides limited maximum storage space for paid. It also provides limited maximum storage space for paid.
It is used across the world. While it is used only in China.
Maximum storage size is 2 TB here. Maximum storage size is 2 TB here also.
It has the developer API. Developer API is missing here.
Maximum file size is 50 GB here. Here maximum file size is 1 GB for regular upload and 32 GB for power upload.
It partly supports file versioning. It does not support file versioning.
It has traffic or band-width limit of 200 GB or 400 GB or 600 GB per month. It has no traffic or band-width limit.