Difference between Ideal Transformer and Practical Transformer

Transformers use the concept of electromagnetic induction to transmit electrical energy between two or more circuits. There are two types of transformers which are Ideal Transformer and Practical Transformer. We will discuss the operational differences between an ideal and practical transformer in this article.

Table of Content

  • What is a Transformer?
  • Ideal Transformer
  • Ideal Transformer Characteristics
  • Practical Transformer
  • Practical Transformers Characteristics
  • Ideal Transformer Vs Practical Transformer

What is a Transformer?

The electrical circuit uses a transformer as a device to adjust the AC voltage level. Without affecting the frequency, the level of the AC voltage will fluctuate between increasing and decreasing.

The transformer based on the losses that occur can be categorized as

  • Ideal Transformer
  • Practical Transformer

Ideal Transformer

Ideal transformers are the hypothetical transformers used for explanation purposes in electrical engineering. These transformers do not exist in real and they are just imaginary concepts. In terms of ideal transformers, it is said that:

Input power = Output Power

The form of transformer in which there is no loss of power is termed as ideal transformer. It has no core losses, copper losses, or any other losses in the transformer. The efficiency of the ideal transformers is supposed to be 100%.

Ideal Transformer

Key Characteristics of an Ideal Transformer

  • The primary and secondary windings are perfectly coupled through the magnetic core with no magnetic leakage and thus it is assumed as the perfect magnetic coupling.
  • Inside the core it is assumed that there is no eddy current loss or no hysteresis loss.
  • The core of the ideal transformers has infinite magnetic permeability.
  • In an ideal transformer, the magnetizing current is assumed to be zero.
  • The winding of the ideal transformer have no resistance which allow zero power loss.

Practical Transformer

These transformers are not hypothetical and they are used in real life for day to day uses. The real-world transformers that we encounter on a daily basis are referred to as practical transformers.

A practical transformer is one in which there are some energy losses inside the transformer due to its core and winding. Or we can say that a transformer in which there is some loss due to its practicality.

Practical Transformer

Input Power ​[Tex]\ne[/Tex] Output power

Key Characteristics of an Practical Transformers

  • Because of winding resistance there is power loss in practical transformers in form of heat energy.
  • All the flux generated in the primary coil is not linked with the secondary coil and because of this there is flux leakage.
  • In practical transformer there are both core loss as well as hysteresis loss is observed.
  • In the practical transformers there is finite permeability.
  • The core material requires a certain amount of magnetomotive force (MMF) to establish the magnetic flux, leading to additional losses.

Differences Between Ideal Transformer and Practical Transformer


Ideal Transformer

Practical Transformer


In Ideal Transformer there is no loss

Zero Loss

Yes there is a loss in practical transformers. Copper loss (I2*R) in windings, Core loss (hysteresis & eddy current)


100% (all input power transferred to output)

Less than 100% (energy lost as heat)

Winding Resistance

Zero (no voltage drop across windings)

Finite resistance (voltage drop proportional to current)

Leakage Flux

None (all magnetic flux links both windings)

Some flux leaks through air, not linking both windings

Core Permeability

Infinite (requires minimal magnetizing current)

Finite permeability (needs magnetizing current for flux)

Voltage Regulation

Zero (output voltage perfectly proportional to input)

Greater than zero (output voltage varies slightly with load)

Current Regulation

Perfect (output current perfectly proportional to input)

Not perfect (current ratio affected by leakage flux)

Power factor

Remains constant throughout the transformer

Can change slightly due to losses and leakage flux

Heat Generation


Heat generated due to copper and core losses


No sound produced

Humming sound due to magnetostriction in the core

Weight and Size

Lighter and smaller due to no need for large core

Heavier and larger to accommodate core losses and leakage flux


Lower (theoretical concept)

Higher due to additional materials and design considerations


Not required

May require periodic maintenance to check for overheating etc.


Theoretical concept for understanding basic principles

Real-world applications in power transmission & distribution


Vp/Vs = Np/Ns & IpNp = IsNs (valid for all conditions)

Ideal transformer equations require phasors for practical use


In this article we have gone through the major difference between the Ideal Transformer and Practical Transformer with its operation. In Ideal Transformer there is no loss, i.e., Zero Loss but there is a loss in practical transformers. So, this is the major difference between them.

Difference between Ideal Transformer and Practical Transformer – FAQs

Why are ideal transformers important even though they don’t exist?

Ideal transformers serve as a foundational concept for grasping the core principles of transformers. They simplify analysis by assuming perfect magnetic coupling and zero losses. This allows us to understand the basic relationships between voltage, current, and turns ratio.

What are some real-world applications of practical transformers?

Practical transformers are vital components in electrical power systems. They are used for:

Transmission: Stepping up voltage for efficient transmission of electrical power over long distances.

Distribution: Stepping down voltage to usable levels for homes, businesses, and industries.

Appliances: Transforming voltage for various electronic devices.

Do ideal and practical transformers have different types?

Both ideal and practical transformers can be categorized as step-up or step-down transformers based on their voltage transformation function. However, practical transformers have additional classifications based on factors like construction and use (e.g., distribution transformers).