Difference Between Land Breeze And Sea Breeze

In this article, we will learn about the difference between land breeze and sea breeze. Land breeze is the breeze in which the wind blows during the nighttime. In the land breeze the direction of wind is from the land to sea. It occurs in winter and autumn season. It is also known as offshore breeze. In this breeze, winds are shallow and dry. Sea breeze is the breeze in which the wind blows during the daytime. In the sea breeze, the direction of the wind is from the sea to land. It occurs in summer and spring season. It is also known as onshore breeze. In this breeze, winds are deep and wet.

What is Land Breeze?

  • Land Breeze is the breeze in which wind direction is from the land to sea.
  • It takes place at night time or early morning.
  • It is also known as offshore breeze.
  • The land breeze takes place when the sea air is hotter than the land air hence, generating low pressure over the sea.
  • These winds are shallow winds which occur in the winter and autumn season.

What is Sea Breeze?

  • Sea Breeze is the breeze in which wind direction is from the sea to land.
  • It takes place at the daytime.
  • It is also known as onshore breeze.
  • The sea breeze takes place when the land air is hotter than the sea air hence, generating low-pressure over the land.
  • These winds are deep winds which occur in the summer and spring season.

Difference Between Land Breeze and Sea Breeze:


Land Breeze

Sea Breeze

Definition The land breeze is the breeze in which wind blows from the land to sea. The sea breeze is the breeze in which wind blows from the sea to land. 
Occurs at  It occurs at the night time or early morning. It occurs at the daytime.
Also known as It is also known as the offshore breeze. It is also known as onshore breeze.
Intensity of wind These winds are shallow. These winds are deep.
Season It occurs in the winter and autumn season. It occurs in the summer and spring seasons.
Type of wind These are dry winds. These are wet winds.
Moisture content These winds do not contain moisture. These winds contain moisture.
Temperature No impact on temperature due to land breeze. Temperature decreases during the sea breeze.
Takes place in the situation It takes place when land air is hotter than sea air. It takes place when sea air is hotter than land air.

Similarities Between Land Breeze and Sea Breeze:

  • Both land and sea breeze occur near the seacoast.
  • Both breezes occur due to low-pressure generation.
  • Both breeze affects temperature.


From the above description, we can conclude that land breeze is the breeze in which wind blows from the land to sea at nighttime or early morning whereas sea breeze is the breeze in which wind blows from the sea to land at daytime. Land breeze is also called as offshore and sea breeze is also called as onshore breeze. Land breeze occurs in winter and autumn season whereas sea breeze occurs in summer and spring season.

Frequently Asked Questions on Land Breeze and Sea Breeze

Q1. What is Sea Breeze?

The breeze in which the direction of the wind is from the sea to the land is called the sea breeze.

Q2. What is Land Breeze?

 The breeze in which the direction of the wind is from the land to the sea is called the land breeze.

Q3. What is the direction of the Wind During the Land Breeze?

 The direction of the wind during land breeze is from the land to sea.

Q4. Mention the season in which Sea Breeze Occurs.

 The sea breeze occurs in the summer and spring season.

Q5. At what time the Land Breeze Occurs?

 The land breeze occurs at the night time.