Difference between Linux and DragonFly BSD

1. Linux :
Linux is a group of open source Unix-like operating systems which was developed by Linus Torvalds. It is a packaged of Linux distribution. Some of the mostly used Linux distribution are Debian, Fedora and Ubuntu. It was basically written in C language and assembly language. Kernel used in Linux is Monolithic kernel. The target systems of Linux distributions are cloud computing, embedded systems, mobile devices, personal computers, servers, mainframe computers and supercomputers. The first version of Linux was launched in 1991. The most recent version of Linux for personal computers is 5.6 (kernel).

2. DragonFly BSD :
DragonFly BSD is a free and open source operating system which was developed by Matthew Dillon. It is an Unix-like operating system whose design is inspired from FreeBSD operating system. It is basically not used for personal computers. It was specifically designed for server, workstation, NAS and embedded systems. Majorly programming languages used is C language. The first version of DragonFly BSD was launched in 2003. The latest stable version of DragonFly BSD is 5.6.1. It has the Hybrid kernel.

Difference between Linux and DragonFly BSD :

It was developed by Linus Torvalds. It was developed by Matthew Dillon.
It was launched in 1991. It was launched in 2003.
Its target systems are embedded systems, mobile devices, personal computers, servers, mainframe computers and supercomputers. Its target system types are workstation, server, NAS and embedded systems.
Computer architectures supported by Linux are IA-32, x86-64, ARM, PowerPC and SPARC. Computer architectures supported by DragonFlyBSD is x86-64.
Kernel used in Linux is Monolithic. Its kernel type is Hybrid.
Its package management depends on the distribution. Its package management is dports or pkg.
Its native APIs are LINUX/POSIX. Its native APIs are BSD/POSIX.
It has the preferred license of GNU GPLv2 (kernel). It has the preferred license of BSD.
Its update management depends on the distribution. Its update management are git, cvsup, rsync and pkg.
The non-native APIs supported through its subsystems are Mono, Java, Win16 and Win32. The non-native APIs supported through its subsystems are Mono, Java, Win16, Win32 and Linux.
File systems supported by Linux are ext2, ext3, ext4, btrfs, ReiserFS, FAT, ISO 9660, UDF and NFS. File systems supported by DragonFlyBSD are UFS1, MFS, ext2, FAT, HAMMER and ISO 9660.