Difference between Linux and OpenVMS

1. Linux :
Linux is a group of open source Unix-like operating systems which was developed by Linus Torvalds. It is a packaged of Linux distribution. Some of the mostly used Linux distribution are Debian, Fedora and Ubuntu. It was basically written in C language and assembly language. Kernel used in Linux is Monolithic kernel. The target systems of Linux distributions are cloud computing, embedded systems, mobile devices, personal computers, servers, mainframe computers and supercomputers. The first version of Linux was launched in 1991.

2. OpenVMS :
OpenVMS is a multi-user and multi-processing operating system which was developed by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC). It is a virtual memory based operating system which is designed for use in time-sharing, batch processing and transaction processing. It is available for many platforms including servers and workstations. It is written using BLISS, VAX Macro, C, Ada, PL/I, Fortran, UIL, Pascal, SDL, C++ and DCL. The first version of OpenVMS was launched in 1977. The kernel used in this operating system is monolithic with modules.

Difference between Linux and OpenVMS :

1. It was developed by Linus Torvalds. It was developed by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC).
2. It was launched in 1991. It was launched in 1977.
3. Its target system types are embedded systems, mobile devices, personal computers, servers, mainframe computers and supercomputers. Its target system types are server and workstation.
4. Computer architectures supported by Linux are IA-32, x86-64, ARM, PowerPC and SPARC. Computer architectures supported by OpenVMS are VAX, Alpha and IA-64.
5. Its kernel type is Monolithic. Its kernel type is Monolithic with modules.
6. Its native APIs are LINUX/POSIX. Its native APIs are Proprietary.
7. It has the preferred license of GNU GPLv2 (kernel). It has the preferred license of Proprietary.
8. The non-native APIs supported through its subsystems are Mono, Java, Win16 and Win32. The non-native APIs supported through its subsystems are POSIX.
9. Its package management depends on the distribution. Its package management is PCSI or VMSINSTAL.
10. It has default GUI ‘on’. It does not have default GUI ‘on’.
11. File systems supported by Linux are ext2, ext3, ext4, btrfs, ReiserFS, FAT, ISO 9660, UDF and NFS. File systems supported by OpenVMS are Files-11, ISO 9660, NFS and CIFS.