Difference between Local Variable and Global variable

Local variables are declared within a specific block of code, such as a function or method, and have limited scope and lifetime, existing only within that block. Global variables, on the other hand, are declared outside of any function and can be accessed from any part of the program, persisting throughout its execution.

Local Variables:

  • Local variables are declared within a specific block of code, such as within a function or a loop.
  • They are only accessible within the block in which they are declared.
  • Once the block of code in which they are declared exits, the memory allocated to these variables is released, and they are no longer accessible.
  • Local variables can have the same name as variables in other blocks without conflict because their scope is limited to the block in which they are declared.
  • They are typically used for temporary storage or only relevant data within a specific context.

Global Variables:

  • Global variables are declared outside of any function or block of code, usually at the top of a program or in a separate file.
  • They are accessible from any part of the program, including within functions, loops, or other blocks of code.
  • Global variables retain their value throughout the lifetime of the program unless explicitly modified or reset.
  • Due to their accessibility from anywhere in the program, global variables can introduce unintended side effects and make it harder to understand and debug code, especially in larger programs.
  • They are typically used for values that need to be accessed and modified by multiple parts of the program.

Difference between Local Variable and Global variables:

Aspect Local Variables Global Variables
Scope Limited to the block of code Accessible throughout the program
Declaration Typically within functions or specific blocks Outside of any function or block
Access Accessible only within the block where they are declared Accessible from any part of the program
Lifetime Created when the block is entered and destroyed when it exits Retain their value throughout the lifetime of the program
Name conflicts Can have the same name as variables in other blocks Should be used carefully to avoid unintended side effects
Usage Temporary storage, specific to a block of code Values that need to be accessed and modified by multiple parts of the program