Difference between Loosely Coupled and Tightly Coupled Multiprocessor System

Loosely Coupled Multiprocessor System:
It is a type of multiprocessing system in which, There is distributed memory instead of shared memory. In loosely coupled multiprocessor system, data rate is low rather than tightly coupled multiprocessor system. In loosely coupled multiprocessor system, modules are connected through MTS (Message transfer system) network.

Tightly Coupled Multiprocessor System:
It is a type of multiprocessing system in which, There is shared memory. In tightly coupled multiprocessor system, data rate is high rather than loosely coupled multiprocessor system. In tightly coupled multiprocessor system, modules are connected through PMIN, IOPIN and ISIN networks.

Let’s study the difference between loosely coupled and tightly coupled multiprocessor system:

S.NO Loosely Coupled Tightly Coupled
1. There is distributed memory in loosely coupled multiprocessor system. There is shared memory, in tightly coupled multiprocessor system.
2. Loosely Coupled Multiprocessor System has low data rate. Tightly coupled multiprocessor system has high data rate.
3. The cost of loosely coupled multiprocessor system is less. Tightly coupled multiprocessor system is more costly.
4. In loosely coupled multiprocessor system, modules are connected through Message transfer system network. While there is PMIN, IOPIN and ISIN networks.
5. In loosely coupled multiprocessor, Memory conflicts don’t take place. While tightly coupled multiprocessor system have memory conflicts.
6. Loosely Coupled Multiprocessor system has low degree of interaction between tasks. Tightly Coupled multiprocessor system has high degree of interaction between tasks.
7. In loosely coupled multiprocessor, there is direct connection between processor and I/O devices. While in tightly coupled multiprocessor, IOPIN helps connection between processor and I/O devices.
8. Applications of loosely coupled multiprocessor are in distributed computing systems. Applications of tightly coupled multiprocessor are in parallel processing systems.