Difference between Lossless and Lossy Join Decomposition

The process of breaking up of a relation into smaller subrelations is called Decomposition. Decomposition is required in DBMS to convert a relation into a specific normal form which further reduces redundancy, anomalies, and inconsistency in the relation. 

There are mainly two types of decompositions in DBMS- 

  1. Lossless Decomposition
  2. Lossy Decomposition 

Difference Between Lossless and Lossy Join Decomposition : 

Lossless Lossy
The decompositions R1, R2, R2…Rn for a relation schema R are said to be Lossless if there natural join results the original relation R. The decompositions R1, R2, R2…Rn for a relation schema R are said to be Lossy if there natural join results into addition of extraneous tuples with the original relation R.

Formally, Let R be a relation and R1, R2, R3 … Rn be it’s decomposition, the decomposition is lossless if – 

 R1 ⨝ R2 ⨝ R3 .... ⨝ Rn = R

Formally, Let R be a relation and R1, R2, R3 … Rn be its decomposition, the decomposition is lossy if – 

 R ⊂ R1 ⨝ R2 ⨝ R3 .... ⨝ Rn
There is no loss of information as the relation obtained after natural join of decompositions is equivalent to original relation. Thus, it is also referred to as non-additive join decomposition There is loss of information as extraneous tuples are added into the relation after natural join of decompositions. Thus, it is also referred to as careless decomposition.
The common attribute of the sub relations is a superkey of any one of the relation. The common attribute of the sub relation is not a superkey of any of the sub relation.

Example to check whether given Decomposition Lossless Join Decomposition. 

Let there be a relational schema Student(Roll No., S_name, S_dept). StudentDetails(Roll No., S_name) and Dept(Roll No., S_dept) be it’s decompositions. 

Roll No. S_name S_dept
1 Raju CSE
2 Raju Quantum Computing
Roll No. S_name
1 Raju
2 Raju

Roll No.





Quantum Computing

Now for the decomposition to be lossless, 

StudentDetails ⨝ Dept = Student then, StudentDetails ⨝ Dept  is
Roll No. S_name S_dept
1 Raju CSE
2 Raju Quantum Computing
As, StudentDetails ⨝ Dept = Student, 

This decomposition is Lossless. 

Example to check whether given Decomposition Lossy Join Decomposition. 

Let there be a relational schema Student(Roll No., S_name, S_dept). StudentDetails(Roll No., S_name) and Dept(S_name, S_dept) be it’s decompositions. 

Roll No. S_name S_dept
1 Raju CSE
2 Raju Quantum Computing
Roll No. S_name
1 Raju
2 Raju
S_name S_dept
Raju CSE
Raju Quantum Computing

Now for the decomposition to be lossy, 

Student ⊂ StudentDetails ⨝ Dept then, StudentDetails ⨝ Dept  is
Roll No. S_name S_dept
1 Raju CSE
1 Raju Quantum Computing
2 Raju CSE
2 Raju Quantum Computing
As, Student ⊂ StudentDetails ⨝ Dept, 

This decomposition is Lossy. 
Thus, we can figure out whether decomposition is lossless or lossy.