Difference between LTE and VoLTE

1. Long Term Evolution (LTE): 

LTE is a standard for high-speed cellular data communication systems. It provides a download speed of about 100 Mbps and an upload speed of about 50 Mbps. It does not provide good quality voice calls while using the data services.


2. Voice over Long Term Evolution (VoLTE): VoLTE is a much-standardized system to make high-definition voice calls. It allows the users to make voice calls while using the data services without changing the quality of the voice.


Difference between LTE and VoLTE :

1. It is a data communication system. It is also a data communication system to overcome LTE.
2. It is a type of network. It is the services offered on the network.
3. It may or may not support data and voice call services at the same time. It always supports data and voice call services at the same time.
4. In case it supports data and voice call together the quality of voice calling is not good. While it supports HD quality voice calling while using data services.
5. It turns off the data connection while making voice calls. It does not turn off the data connection while making voice calls.
6. Call connection between two users is slower (almost takes 7 seconds). If both users are on VoLTE, the call connection is faster.
7. External applications like Skype or WhatsApp are required to make video calls. No external applications are required to make video calls.
8. It is not widely used by users nowadays. It is more widely used nowadays.
9. It simply aims to increase data rates using 4G bandwidth. It targets voice calling as well as internet traffic without interfering with either.
10. It gives comparatively less than VoLTE.  It stands out over LTE in voice call quality, HD video calls, battery life, call setup time, and others.
11. This cellular network variety is speedier than 4G. It is the calls made over the LTE Network