Difference between LXC and LXD

LXC stands for Linux Containers, it is a tool that is used for the virtualization of operating systems. By using LXC one can operate any software or application in a virtual environment rather than on the physical system. The virtual environment functionality makes LXC more secure as well as cheaper. LXC is easy to operate as it comes with Control groups functionality.

LXD stands for Linux Daemon, it is an extension that is mainly used for directing the LXC. It is used to provide new attributes and capabilities to LXC so that LXC can be used in a more efficient manner. Communication between LXD and LXC is done by using inbuilt libraries, one such library is liblxc.


Below is a table of differentiation between LXC and LXD:




1. LXC is a virtual environment creation tool, it was built by Google, IBM etc. LXD is an add on for the LXC to provide advanced features and functionalities.
2. Multiple processes are needed for multiple containers and hence it is not flexible. LXD makes it flexible by providing a single process for multiple containers.
3. Snapshots, Live Migration etc are some of the features which are not supported by LXC. LXD supports snapshots and lives migration features.
4. Scalability functionality is not provided by LXC and hence users shift to other virtual solutions. With the use of LXD, scalability is achieved in LXC.
5. Management capabilities are poor, especially in the case of network and storage. It has better management capabilities like storage pooling.
6. It is not user friendly and needs the expertise to handle the processes. It provides a user-friendly interface.
7. After data processing, the data cannot be retrieved. Data retrieval functionality after data processing is provided in LXD.
8. C API is used by the LXC. LXD uses REST API.